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  • Dan Haywood
      Post count: 534

      Five Reed Buntings, 30 Chaffinches and a Stock Dove seen using the feeding station today.

      Dan Haywood
        Post count: 534

        Eighteen’s a great count of RB. You’ve smashed the site record there, JC.

        I had a more typical seven (and 25 Chaffinches) in the morning.

        Got good views of three Lesser Redpolls eating willowherb seeds near the double gate. They were all relatively pale, but one in particular looked quite Mealyesque.

        Dan Haywood
          Post count: 534
          Dan Haywood
            Post count: 534

            Nice shot Steve– my guess is that it’s a male because of the blackish (not dark brownish) tail feathers and perhaps the extent of black in the face, ‘collar’ and chest sides.

            The top of the head has some relatively heavy speckling and streaking– which I believe is a plumage trait of male FF.

            Dan Haywood
              Post count: 534

              I’ve never seen a Goldcrest at a feeder before.

              Male Blackcap in a garden near Westbourne Rd yesterday–coming to suet.

              Dan Haywood
                Post count: 534
                in reply to: Aldcliffe #2071

                50 Linnets Aldcliffe maize stubble.

                LDBWS Feeding Station

                Goldfinch 40
                Chaffinch 28
                Linnet 15 on ground feed, 20 more in ash trees.
                Reed Bunting 10
                Lesser Redpoll 4 ground feeding

                No Greenfinch on the feeding station list yet– if you see one please let me know!

                Dan Haywood
                  Post count: 534

                  Where did you have your Woodcock, Jon?

                  Dan Haywood
                    Post count: 534

                    Up to 30 Chaffinches and six Reed Buntings were taking advantage of the society’s table cuisine and ground feeding (5-10 metres left of the table as viewed from double gate) this afternoon.

                    It’s at SD467605 (the south end of Fairfield NR by Pony Wood), 190 metres west of Aldcliffe Rd, S Lancaster.

                    What3Words for the viewing area on the junction of two footpaths is is lizard.tripling.consoled

                    Dan Haywood
                      Post count: 534
                      in reply to: Aldcliffe #1973

                      Mr. Atkins (the Cetti’s Warbler) still holding territory on the Haverbreaks to Deep Cutting stretch of the canal today.

                      Dan Haywood
                        Post count: 534
                        in reply to: Cetti’s warbler #1945

                        Merry Christmas Mr. Atkins.

                        Dan Haywood
                          Post count: 534
                          in reply to: Geese and Falcons #1918

                          Goose field:|Point_s_H|1&t=Point%20H&v=r

                          Dan Haywood
                            Post count: 534

                            A whopping NINETEEN Stock Doves on Aldcliffe maize field today at SD454612.

                            A 1CY male Pintail on The Flood SD459602 today with c100 Teal.

                            Dan Haywood
                              Post count: 534

                              Since being ‘installed’ at midday, a friend reports that the table has already received its first avian visitor.

                              Can anybody guess the species of the early adopter?

                              Dan Haywood
                                Post count: 534

                                Chaffinches, Lesser Redpoll, Goldfinches and Stock Doves couldn’t wait to get stuck in….but not while we were watching! Please let us know if you see signs of success. It’s viewable from the Long Pads / Pig Lane (SD467605) footpath to the west of Pony Wood.

                                If you’re walking out of Lancaster along the Aldcliffe Rd stretch of the canal, turn left at the Kingfisher.

                                Dan Haywood
                                  Post count: 534
                                  in reply to: Fairfield NR #1758


                                  Redshank 1 (in West Field SD466607)

                                  Dan Haywood
                                    Post count: 534

                                    Thanks very much.

                                    Dan Haywood
                                      Post count: 534

                                      Hi Ken– if you get a minute could you give us a grid ref for the swan fields please?


                                      Dan Haywood
                                        Post count: 534
                                        in reply to: Skerton Weir #1727

                                        Thank you.

                                        Dan Haywood
                                          Post count: 534
                                          in reply to: Skerton Weir #1717

                                          Might go and twitch your Common Sandpiper Steve– which part of that stretch was it on?

                                          Dan Haywood
                                            Post count: 534
                                            in reply to: Bare #1711

                                            Three Grey Wagtails on the roof of Willow Lane Spar this afternoon.

                                            Dan Haywood
                                              Post count: 534

                                              That’s great. Thanks.

                                              Dan Haywood
                                                Post count: 534

                                                Biggest Linnet flock of the winter (so far) there, Josh.

                                                A good haul generally. Have you got a grid ref for the Whooper Swan herd?

                                                Dan Haywood
                                                  Post count: 534
                                                  in reply to: Bank End #1680

                                                  ”Long Tailed Duck conder Pool still, no sign of Black Redstart between Cockersands and Bank End.
                                                  41 Twite Bank End towards the Black Knights” (thanks Bob Stinger)

                                                  Dan Haywood
                                                    Post count: 534
                                                    in reply to: Snow Buntings #1677

                                                    Four Snow Buntings there there this morning ‘3 near Abbey and 1 at brick lookout- on rocky shore line’ (thanks Dinesh Patel).

                                                    Dan Haywood
                                                      Post count: 534

                                                      Single Chiffchaff, Reed Bunting and two Lesser Redpolls in Freeman’s Wood today.

                                                    Viewing 25 posts - 176 through 200 (of 201 total)