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  • Dan Haywood
      Post count: 534

      Similar counts there at 1030 today(when 3 degrees below zero) but

      Stock Dove 9

      Dan Haywood
        Post count: 534
        in reply to: Aldcliffe #6745

        Hi Barrie– your two adult Whooper Swans (including the one with the yellow ring) had become three by sunset when I had a crack at counting the geese;

        Pink-footed Goose 1800 in A5 (see attached) and a further 370 on the western slopes of the drumlins (A6) also a further 38 (A3)
        Greylag 630 (A5)
        European White-fronted Goose 4 (adults A5)
        Canada Goose 2 (A5)
        Barnacle Goose 1 (A5)

        Dan Haywood
          Post count: 534

          LDBWS Feeding Station at Fairfield viewed from what3words hourglass.pylons.shuttle

          1000, 2 degrees below zero.

          Chaffinch 42
          Reed Bunting 4
          Stock Dove 4
          Blackbird 4

          Stonechat 1 (m) in the wildflower strip nearby

          Song Thrush 8 in Pony Wood also a Sparrowhawk.

          Woodcock seen flying over Fairfield Nature Reserve into an Aldcliffe Rd garden.

          Dan Haywood
            Post count: 534

            Good good!

            Dan Haywood
              Post count: 534

              Hi Pete. I too saw your Med. Also the merganser– which I photographed as it was impersonating a local Goosander.

              Dan Haywood
                Post count: 534

                Terrible. Roughly how many waders were disturbed in total, Alan?

                Dan Haywood
                  Post count: 534

                  50 Skylark mobile on the saltmarsh. Kingfisher on Allen Pool.

                  Dan Haywood
                    Post count: 534

                    A juvenile Hobby S over Heysham Head yesterday 13 Oct (Dave Hawkins)

                    Dan Haywood
                      Post count: 534

                      More Hobby records from Lune at Ashton;

                      one 1 Oct
                      one 24 Aug

                      Dan Haywood
                        Post count: 534
                        in reply to: Pink-footed geese #6193

                        Skein of 42 high SSW over West Lancaster 1151

                        Osprey S over Lancaster Castle and beyond 1156

                        Meadow Pipits heard moving over the town centre also

                        Dan Haywood
                          Post count: 534

                          Dave Hawkins:

                          Arnside Kent estuary 2:30-4:30pm;

                          1 Little Stint

                          3 Curlew Sandpiper

                          1 Greenshank

                          1 Wheatear

                          32 Goosander

                          Dan Haywood
                            Post count: 534
                            in reply to: Leighton Moss #5928

                            Jenny Brown’s Point high tide this afternoon:

                            Oystercatcher 680
                            Mallard 107 (roost)
                            Redshank 6
                            Curlew 3
                            Common Sandpiper 2

                            Yellow Wagtail on the saltmarsh at SD469736.

                            Dan Haywood
                              Post count: 534

                              The well-twitched Temminck’s Stint still present this morning. Also 9 Greenshank. (S. Coyle).

                              Dan Haywood
                                Post count: 534
                                in reply to: Zeiss binoculars #5633

                                Hi night of joy– are these still for sale? Email [email protected] if so

                                Dan Haywood
                                  Post count: 534

                                  Hi Rosie, Pete’s WM field is FLL parcel BQ6. Marked as LDBWS FLL (functionally linked land) because of Whimbrel, Curlew, Lapwing and Oystercatcher etc. usage.

                                  There were also 24 Whimbrel and two Stonechat at BQ2 (Blea Tarn!) this evening– thanks I. Hartley.

                                  My map attached– surely other fields and parcels up there with similar interest so six-figure grid refs very useful. Thanks Pete.

                                  Dan Haywood
                                    Post count: 534

                                    A new one for my LDBWS feeding station list– an Osprey over NE over this afternoon.

                                    14 Linnets and a Brambling feeding on the deck.

                                    Dan Haywood
                                      Post count: 534

                                      Evening addendum:

                                      Common Sandpiper feeding by Millennium Bridge.

                                      Barn Owl hunting Aldcliffe Marsh N.

                                      Dan Haywood
                                        Post count: 534

                                        LDBWS feeding station at Fairfield

                                        0730, 2 degrees Celsius, light frost:

                                        Linnet 14
                                        Reed Bunting 8
                                        Stock Dove 8
                                        Chaffinch 6
                                        Mallard 4
                                        Goldfinch 2
                                        Brambling 1


                                        Overhead: vis mig Siskins and my first Tree Pipit of the year northbound here.

                                        Dan Haywood
                                          Post count: 534

                                          Did you get any audio of wingbeats or was it too windy?

                                          Dan Haywood
                                            Post count: 534

                                            LDBWS Feeding Station 0900 2 degrees Celsius, bright.

                                            Linnet 15
                                            Reed Bunting 10
                                            Chaffinch 9
                                            Stock Dove 2
                                            Brambling 2


                                            Now that the field has been ploughed the Linnets are more inclined to use the tables rather than the ground feeding– has anyone got any niger seed or sunflower hearts going spare they could donate? Linnets eating both at the moment. Reply here or email me via [email protected] if so. Thanks!

                                            Dan Haywood
                                              Post count: 534
                                              in reply to: Leighton #5069

                                              ”Highlights of morning (30th March) visit to the saltmarsh hides at Leighton Moss. 3 med gull on Allen pool. 5 ruff plus good blackwit roost of approx 2100 with redshank and handful of dunlin on Eric Morecambe pool. Also a smart male RB merganser and 60+ avocet”

                                              Thanks Philip Grounds, per Twitter.

                                              Dan Haywood
                                                Post count: 534
                                                in reply to: Ken Harrison #5065

                                                Ken’s funeral is at Accrington Crematorium– this Thursday at 11PM (Thanks for the info Alasdair McKee).

                                                Dan Haywood
                                                  Post count: 534
                                                  in reply to: Common Scoter #5024

                                                  Two parties of Common Scoter migrating E over Cavendish Street Lancaster this evening: first at 2215, second at 2228.

                                                  Also Golden Plover, Oystercatcher and Redshank heard on the move.

                                                  Dan Haywood
                                                    Post count: 534

                                                    *Recreational Disturbance Event:

                                                    Time and Date: 1630 21/3/22

                                                    Site: Conder Green

                                                    Form of disturbance: single dog walker with one dog

                                                    Birds seen to be disturbed / description of disturbance: 60 Wigeon, 4 Avocets, 4 Shelduck, 10+ Redshank, 2+ Oystercatchers forced to take flight when dog walker (having accessed saltmarsh from Glasson) reached edge of Conder creek at SD454561 Wigeon were displaced c800m. The dog was off-lead but not out of control– indicating that mere presence at such sensitive spots (well away from public rights of way) is enough to create problems.

                                                    Dan Haywood
                                                      Post count: 534

                                                      Cheers Jon. Roughly how many geese were displaced?

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