Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Middleton Sands WEBS / Jan survey

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  • garry sharples
      Post count: 30

      Almost perfect tide (circa 10M) today for the most species abundancy between Potts Corner and the point end (extent of WEBS survey area here) . Jan survey passerines also below. Report of snow bunting 50 M north of toilet block (thanks John?) but could not relocate…maybe worth a peek Tomorrow !?.

      7 PB Brent Geese (at least) – presumably Heysham birds on saltmarsh
      525 Grey Plover
      955 Curlew
      6850 Knot
      1750 Bar Tailed Godwit
      133 Lapwing
      910 Oystercatchers
      125 Redshank
      3450 Dunlin
      1 Turnstone
      9 Snipe
      3 Little Egret
      3 Cormorant
      475 Wigeon
      25 Teal
      10 Mallard
      5 Pintail
      1 Eider
      2 Gadwall
      21 Coot
      3 Moorhen
      88 Shelduck
      1 GBB Gull
      3 LBB Gull
      4 Common Gull
      9 B H Gull

      Passerines and other species…

      23 Twite
      1 Skylark
      8 Reed Bunting
      1 peregrine
      1 Kestrel
      2 Stock Dove
      17 Fieldfare
      1 Redwing
      3 Mistle Thrush
      2 Song Thrush
      1 Wren
      2 Dunnock
      8 Blackbird
      2 Raven
      18 Crow
      1 Magpie
      11 Wood Pigeon
      25 Starling
      3 House Sparrow
      8 Pied Wagtail
      3 Meadow Pipit
      3 Goldfinch
      2 Greenfinch
      4 Chaffinch
      3 Blue Tit
      2 Great Tit

      Dan Haywood
        Post count: 534

        A nice haul Garry.

        Reading that reminds me– 15 Twite at Pilling Lane Ends today (from RBA).

        Alan Smith
          Post count: 73

          23 PB Brent Geese on Mon 23rd
          Nice count Gary.

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