Birding Since 1959

North Lancashire, South Cumbria & North Yorkshire

Upcoming Meetings

The meetings this year will be a mixture of indoor  and on-line meetings.  Please watch this space for details of these and our outdoor events.

Lancaster & District Birdwatching Society

This is our main source of information for monitoring the bird population of the district and for producing our annual report. All wildlife records are welcome.




Lancaster & District Birdwatching Society covers an extensive area of North Lancashire, South Cumbria and North Yorkshire.

The Society was founded in 1959 and, since that time, has expanded the range of activities provided for its members. LDBWS organises indoor meetings, where experienced birding experts give interesting talks to members, and, in association with the local RSPB members group and Lancashire Wildlife Trust, arranges field trips to a variety of locations. The society also collects records of birds seen in the area, organises local surveys of particular species or groups of species and contributes to national surveys arranged by the BTO and other bodies. Members receive an informative Annual Report and quarterly newsletters.

Our Members

Lancaster & District Bird Watching Society has a membership of about 200 people who have an interest in the birdlife of the area around Morecambe Bay comprising North Lancashire, South-East Cumbria and a small area of North Yorkshire in the North-West of England

What is the site used for?

For many people, the primary reason for visiting this website is to access up-to-date news on bird sightings in our area. LDBWS is proud to have received numerous compliments on the value and importance of this section of the website to both members and non-members. Anybody can submit records, and the sightings page can be accessed, wherever you are in the website, by clicking “Birdnews” on the menu bar at the top of the page. Friendly discussion on relevant issues is also encouraged, in a subsection of the sightings page.

The popularity of the website is indicated by the fact that, based on our latest information, it has between 300 and 400 unique visitors each day. Even assuming that every member visits the site on a daily basis, the total number of visitors is well in excess of the membership.

Valuable source of information

We are keen to retain this open, non-exclusive access to the “Birdnews” section of the website to ensure that the major sightings of birds within the local area are recorded. It helps to ensure that a more comprehensive basis of recordings for the society’s Annual Reports is available and provides a valuable source of information for the County Bird Recorder.

Join Us

LDBWS does, of course, encourage birders in the local area and regular visitors to join the society and feels that our subscription costs represent good value for money but we recognise that many people may have valid reasons to avoid such a commitment. However, as an alternative, we would appreciate non-members, who benefit from the information that the website provides, to consider making a modest voluntary financial contribution to help the society with its costs. Anyone wishing to help in this way can contact the Secretary (click “About” tab for contact details). We hope, very much, that you will support our efforts to ensure that the society goes from strength to strength in providing support and information for birders in the area around Morecambe Bay.

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