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  • Barrie Cooper
      Post count: 144

      Five White-fronted Geese with Pink-feet and Greylags in field south of Freeman’s Wood – the geese were very mobile due to disturbances.

      Two Whooper Swans – one of which was colour-ringed and details have been sent to WWT.

      Great Egret in it’s regular spot (during this cold spell) on the saltmarsh.

      Dan Haywood
        Post count: 539

        Hi Barrie– your two adult Whooper Swans (including the one with the yellow ring) had become three by sunset when I had a crack at counting the geese;

        Pink-footed Goose 1800 in A5 (see attached) and a further 370 on the western slopes of the drumlins (A6) also a further 38 (A3)
        Greylag 630 (A5)
        European White-fronted Goose 4 (adults A5)
        Canada Goose 2 (A5)
        Barnacle Goose 1 (A5)

        Barrie Cooper
          Post count: 144

          Hi Dan, Pinkfeet seemed to be dropping in throughout the morning and clearly continued during the afternoon, that’s over twice as many as there was when I left at 11.30.

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