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  • Dan Haywood
      Post count: 534

      *Recreational Disturbance Event:

      Time and Date: 1130 19/3/22

      Site: Aldcliffe Marsh

      Form of disturbance: single jet skier

      Birds seen to be disturbed / description of disturbance: 900 Pink-footed Goose– flushed from outer marsh to inner marsh– birds displaced c500m. Flock then alert for 10 mins plus.


      If you would like to document recreational disturbance of birds in coastal / estuarine parts of our district please add them to the website in a format similar to the above.

      I will then forward them to Mandy Knott– the Coastal Lead Adviser for Morecambe Bay, Wyre and Lune Estuaries for
      Natural England. Mandy is keen to receive them and factor them into plans for minimizing recreational disturbance.

      Dan Haywood
        Post count: 534

        This bird still intermittently present there most days. Seen this morning (thanks Andrew Cornall).

        Later flushed but back on the flood there this afternoon (thanks Paul Ellis).

        Dan Haywood
          Post count: 534

          LDBWS Feeding Station 1345:

          9 degrees Celsius, breezy, showery.

          Chaffinch 28 (22 of which female– males on breeding territory somewhere?)
          Woodpigeon 13
          Reed Bunting 12
          Stock Dove 9
          Linnet 8
          Brambling 3 (2 fems)
          Meadow Pipit 3 (first record of MP seen eating LDBWS seed)
          Long-tailed Tit 1

          Fieldfare 60 in Pony Wood

          Dan Haywood
            Post count: 534
            in reply to: Aldcliffe Marsh #4955

            This afternoon;

            Aldcliffe Marsh S

            Pink-footed Goose 750
            Tundra Bean Goose 1

            Aldcliffe Marsh N

            Pink-footed Goose 500
            Canada Goose 3
            Greylag Goose 3


            Redshank 19
            Pied Wagtail 18 (mostly males)
            Teal 15
            Meadow Pipit 14
            Shelduck 4
            Reed Bunting 4
            Green Sandpiper 1


            Black-tailed Godwit 53
            Wigeon 45
            Curlew 4
            Oystercatcher 4

            Dan Haywood
              Post count: 534
              in reply to: Heaton Marsh #4888

              White-fronted Goose with PG flock on Colloway Marsh then flew N. (again, thanks Shaun)

              Dan Haywood
                Post count: 534
                in reply to: Heaton Marsh #4887

                A further 2500 PG on Aldcliffe Marsh this afternoon (Shaun Coyle).

                Dan Haywood
                  Post count: 534

                  Present again this morning (Craig Bell).

                  Dan Haywood
                    Post count: 534

                    Birds at Conder Pool today included

                    Avocet 2
                    Mediterranean Gull 1
                    Short-eared Owl 1
                    Barn Owl 2

                    Dan Haywood
                      Post count: 534

                      Present this morning. (T. Wilmer).

                      Dan Haywood
                        Post count: 534
                        in reply to: Yesterday’s News #4850

                        Birds noshing society seed at Fairfield today included two Bramblings and 24 Linnets. Thanks Bill.

                        Dan Haywood
                          Post count: 534

                          LDBWS Feeding Station 1100:

                          9 degrees Celsius, windy.

                          Chaffinch 56
                          Linnet 17
                          Reed Bunting 10
                          Brambling 4 (3 fems)
                          Stock Dove 4

                          Dan Haywood
                            Post count: 534

                            LDBWS Feeding Station 0930:

                            4 degrees Celsius, rainy.

                            Chaffinch 72
                            Linnet 23
                            Reed Bunting 14
                            Brambling 6 (4 fems)
                            Stock Dove 4

                            Dan Haywood
                              Post count: 534

                              Sandylands bird still present… near blue house today.

                              Dan Haywood
                                Post count: 534

                                LDBWS Feeding Station (A10W) 0830:

                                10 degrees Celsius, Windy.

                                Linnet 12
                                Chaffinch 7
                                Reed Bunting 5
                                Brambling 1

                                Stock Dove 2

                                Kestrel 1 male

                                Dan Haywood
                                  Post count: 534

                                  Also seen feeding here today

                                  Linnet 45 on niger on ground
                                  Stock Dove 6
                                  Brambling 4 females
                                  Lesser Redpoll 1 (with linnets)

                                  Dan Haywood
                                    Post count: 534

                                    LDBWS Feeding Station (A10W) 1300:

                                    6 degrees Celsius but had been a light frost overnight

                                    Chaffinch 60
                                    Reed Bunting 10
                                    Linnet 8
                                    Stock Dove 6
                                    Brambling 4
                                    Blackbird 4
                                    Long-tailed Tit 1 took one seed from table (first instance of this here)

                                    Pony Wood:

                                    Starling 200
                                    Fieldfare 65
                                    Redwing 25
                                    Mistle Thrush 2
                                    Great-spotted Woodpecker 1 drumming

                                    Dan Haywood
                                      Post count: 534

                                      LDBWS Feeding Station (A10W) 0845:

                                      5 degrees Celsius

                                      Chaffinch 54
                                      Linnet 1 (plus 10 elsewhere in field)
                                      Brambling 5
                                      Reed Bunting 5
                                      Stock Dove 3

                                      Sparrowhawk 1 male

                                      Dan Haywood
                                        Post count: 534

                                        Still present.

                                        Dan Haywood
                                          Post count: 534

                                          LDBWS Feeding Station (A10W) 1045:

                                          5 degrees Celsius

                                          Chaffinch 64
                                          Linnet 8
                                          Brambling 6
                                          Stock Dove 3
                                          Reed Bunting 8

                                          Sparrowhawk 1 fem

                                          Red-legged Partridge 2 ‘West Field’ (A8)
                                          Redwing 20 (A7)
                                          Fieldfare 65 (A7)
                                          Green Sandpiper 1 (A14)

                                          Dan Haywood
                                            Post count: 534

                                            LDBWS Feeding Station 1200:

                                            9 degrees Celsius

                                            Chaffinch 58
                                            Linnet 25
                                            Brambling 5 (1m)
                                            Reed Bunting 5
                                            Stock Dove 4
                                            Song Thrush 1

                                            Dan Haywood
                                              Post count: 534

                                              Shrike still being seen in this general area most days– including today.

                                              Dan Haywood
                                                Post count: 534

                                                1 degrees Celsius- light frost

                                                Chaffinch 65
                                                Linnet 60
                                                Reed Bunting 9
                                                Stock Dove 6
                                                Brambling 5 (4 fems)
                                                Song Thrush 2


                                                Pink-footed Goose 160 over, W
                                                Meadow Pipit 8 A10
                                                Mistle Thrush 1 singing A9W
                                                Redwing 30 Admiralty Wood
                                                Great Spotted Woodpecker drumming Admiralty Wood.

                                                Dan Haywood
                                                  Post count: 534


                                                  8 degrees Celsius

                                                  Chaffinch 36
                                                  Reed Bunting 6
                                                  Stock Dove 6
                                                  Brambling 3 (fems)
                                                  Linnet 2

                                                  17 Jan: (thanks Clio)

                                                  Linnet 50
                                                  Stock Dove 9

                                                  Dan Haywood
                                                    Post count: 534

                                                    Reed Bunting 9
                                                    Brambling 3
                                                    (per Jon Carter)

                                                    Dan Haywood
                                                      Post count: 534

                                                      4 degrees Celsius

                                                      Chaffinch 60
                                                      Linnet 2 plus 15 elsewhere in field (Flora / A10)
                                                      Reed Bunting 7
                                                      Stock Dove 5
                                                      Brambling 4 (one male)

                                                      Pink-footed Goose 1300 over N.

                                                    Viewing 25 posts - 51 through 75 (of 201 total)