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  • Dan Haywood
      Post count: 534

      SD46 map attached.

      Dan Haywood
        Post count: 534
        in reply to: Spotted Flycatcher #8848

        A (presumed passage) Spotted Flycatcher SD495768 near Thrang Brow Lane May 24th.

        Dan Haywood
          Post count: 534
          in reply to: Fairfield 7/5 #8805

          Northbound visible migration over the reserve this morning (0500-0715) comprised;

          Lesser Redpoll 34 (in twos and threes)
          Tree Pipit 1
          Swallow 1

          Breeding interest on the reserve included Shelduck, Lapwing (no successful breeding since 2016), Whitethroat and Reed Warbler.

          Dan Haywood
            Post count: 534
            in reply to: Aldcliffe #8773

            What could well have been the same Cuckoo was singing in Scotch Quarry, Lancaster, the same morning (May 4th)

            Dan Haywood
              Post count: 534
              in reply to: Eleven for health? #8338

              Yes, Alasdair- Magpies do indeed roost communally.

              Dan Haywood
                Post count: 534

                Two Waxwings briefly in Windermere Rd area of Lancaster early morning.

                Ten Waxwings in the alders by the dipping pond at Leighton Moss early afternoon, which then flew off N. Two were seen shortly afterwards near the Leighton Moss orchard.

                Dan Haywood
                  Post count: 534
                  in reply to: Sunday morning #7980

                  Two Cattle Egrets seen going into the egret roost at Ashton Hall this evening. Came in W across Colloway Marsh where there were 560 Greylags and 130 Canada Goose.

                  Water Rails heard- east end of Freeman’s Pools.

                  Dan Haywood
                    Post count: 534
                    in reply to: Lesser Whitethroat #7547

                    Hi Barrie and Jon– how many pairs of Lesser Whitethroat (and other warblers- and where) do you reckon we have at Aldcliffe this season? I take it Lapwings have totally failed there this year? I usually keep notes but I’m away more or less all spring and summer.


                    Dan Haywood
                      Post count: 534

                      Hobby over Cockerham May 1st.

                      I’ve passed on your comment to the webmaster, Andrew.

                      Dan Haywood
                        Post count: 534

                        Hi Rosie– this Grasshopper Warbler is in (functionally linked land parcel) ‘A23’.

                        Dan Haywood
                          Post count: 534
                          in reply to: Torrisholme CC #7317

                          Hi Eddy. Yes– the new captchas are particularly tedious– so thanks for persevering. We’ve already voiced our opprobrium to the webmaster (who introduced the current system after some Chinese spam) and he’s looking into it.

                          Thanks again.

                          Dan Haywood
                            Post count: 534

                            Forgot to log two pairs of Lapwing in maize stubble at Slyne SD 47843 66430, April 8th.

                            Dan Haywood
                              Post count: 534
                              in reply to: Common scoter #7286

                              Also Willow Lane Lancaster– nine parties heading east-ish between 2125 and 2150. Clear at the moment, a very light tail wind.

                              Dan Haywood
                                Post count: 534

                                On the opposite pavement (Hutton Roof Crags) on April 8th I had less luck than Nick but did note 18 Willow Warblers singing across the wooded northern edge of the site Five Goldcrests singing in hazels here also. Breeding interest in the bracken slopes at SD563784 was confined to a singing male Stonechat and a pair of Linnets. A male Kestrel was hunting near the trig point at SD556774. A Siskin was singing in potential habitat by the ‘RC gate’ at SD545783.

                                A bit of northbound afternoon vis mig over the highest point included a male Crossbill.

                                Seven Chiffchaffs were singing in Lancelot Clark Storth and a pair of Marsh Tits were carrying nesting material there c.SD545775. Another Marsh Tit was singing at Holme Park Quarry LNR where four Willow Warblers, three Chiffchaffs and three Blackcap were in song. In the quarry itself breeding interest included Stock Dove, Jackdaw, Oystercatcher and Raven.

                                Species nesting in Burton-in-Kendal itself included Rook (5-6 active nests by the memorial hall), Starling, Collared Dove, House Sparrow, Blackbird and Greenfinch. Five Lesser Redpoll flew N over the high street.

                                Dan Haywood
                                  Post count: 534

                                  Birds using the feeding station today included 7 Stock Dove and 4 Linnet.

                                  25 Fieldfare and a male Sparrowhawk in Pony Wood.

                                  Dan Haywood
                                    Post count: 534

                                    Various late afternoon / dusk;

                                    Colloway Marsh N:

                                    Pink-footed Goose 740 including one with collar and ring(s).
                                    European White-fronted Goose 3 (2 ad one first-winter)
                                    Barnacle Goose 1
                                    Shelduck 6
                                    Raven 3

                                    Red-breasted Merganser 1 fem on water.

                                    Colloway Marsh S:

                                    Pink-footed Goose 580

                                    Fieldfare: 76 flying west over Lune at Stodday at sunset–presumably to roost– but where?

                                    Curlew: 26 (seemingly all fems) (in A15)

                                    Field containing Frog Pond (A5):

                                    Wigeon 58
                                    Mute Swan 15
                                    Curlew 5

                                    Dan Haywood
                                      Post count: 534

                                      LDBWS Feeding Station:

                                      0930, 6 degrees

                                      Chaffinch 48
                                      Linnet 28
                                      Reed Bunting 5


                                      Fieldfare 21 close by on brow of FLORA field.

                                      Dan Haywood
                                        Post count: 534

                                        26 Jan: 155 Fieldfare at SD448556 (feeding in field W of Jeremy Lane)

                                        Dan Haywood
                                          Post count: 534
                                          in reply to: Whooper Swan #6948

                                          Great. Thank you.

                                          Keep them coming!


                                          Dan Haywood
                                            Post count: 534
                                            in reply to: Whooper Swan #6943

                                            Hi Gar–

                                            Thanks for getting back. Six would be much better if possible.

                                            [email protected]

                                            Dan Haywood
                                              Post count: 534
                                              in reply to: Whooper Swan #6940

                                              Hi Gar–

                                              Could you give a six figure grid reference for this field for LDBWS records please?

                                              I find this site quite useful

                                              Same with any of your records– they’re all valuable. Among other reasons it helps us pinpoint small areas of high conservation interest which might be lost to development or drainage.

                                              Anyway, thanks for your records to date and keep them coming!


                                              Dan Haywood
                                                Post count: 534

                                                A nice haul Garry.

                                                Reading that reminds me– 15 Twite at Pilling Lane Ends today (from RBA).

                                                Dan Haywood
                                                  Post count: 534

                                                  At the nearby LDBWS feeding station at Fairfield:

                                                  0930, minus 1 degrees.

                                                  Chaffinch 71
                                                  Linnet 13
                                                  Blackbird 8
                                                  Reed Bunting 7
                                                  Jay 1 (a table first!)

                                                  Dan Haywood
                                                    Post count: 534
                                                    in reply to: Recent Sightings #6884

                                                    Estimated 100,000 Starlings in to roost at Leighton yesterday 15 Jan.

                                                    Thanks Alasdair McKee et al.

                                                    Dan Haywood
                                                      Post count: 534

                                                      1000, 1 degrees Celsius

                                                      Selected sightings:

                                                      Chaffinch increased to 52 (preponderance of males in contrast to recent visits)
                                                      Linnet 15

                                                      Lapwing 8 Flora Field (A20)

                                                      Fairfield paths are more slippery than the Cresta Run today so I wouldn’t advise visiting the feeding station area without crampons / PPE.

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