Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Fairfield 7/5

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  • Clay G
      Post count: 35

      Evening visit 6pm-7:30

      Lapwing on sprouting field near Pony Wood – sadly not a common sight here
      Lesser Whitethroat singing in bushes along Aldcliffe Road
      Common Whitethroat singing in hedgerow near West Field
      One Chiffchaff in orchard
      Swallows moving through, one group of 4 and two or three singles
      No other migrants noted

      3 Greenfinches
      1 singing Mistle Thrush plus two more on West Field
      2 Song Thrush
      Decent numbers of Blackbirds and Starlings feeding on the fields, alongside the ever-present Pheasants

      Dan Haywood
        Post count: 534

        Northbound visible migration over the reserve this morning (0500-0715) comprised;

        Lesser Redpoll 34 (in twos and threes)
        Tree Pipit 1
        Swallow 1

        Breeding interest on the reserve included Shelduck, Lapwing (no successful breeding since 2016), Whitethroat and Reed Warbler.

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