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  • Dan Haywood
      Post count: 534

      We’ll look into doing some spring / summer guided walks, Alasdair. Maybe some vis mig and seawatching sessions too.

      LDBWS feeding station good once more with close views of ground feeding Linnets more and more reliable (c25 today) and still good numbers of Reed Buntings (18 today) and Chaffinches.

      Dan Haywood
        Post count: 534
        in reply to: Aldcliffe Knot #2519

        Nice. I think Knot might be a new species for The Flood list. Any thoughts, Jon?

        Dan Haywood
          Post count: 534

          Hi Alasdair– greetings from parallel Lancaster!

          The club is currently working to provide data on land it deems ‘functionally linked’ to Morecambe Bay SPA– ie used by species that make the bay special in a conservation sense.

          We’ve been getting as precise as we can (to field level where possible) so we’ve been devising maps which split up key areas for wetland bird species. I’ve been sorting through / winkling out Aldcliffe data from the last ten years and have divvied up what we might call Aldcliffe into 23 fields or clusters ie A1 to A23. For instance, A2 is Freeman’s Pools and A14 is the field that contains ‘The Flood’ just N of the foot of Aldcliffe Hall Lane.

          Every time records are placed on this site Rosie (hi Rosie!) and others assimilate, interpret and cut and paste to a database which forms the backbone of the annual reports and other projects. At the moment we’re on a drive to up our data quality.

          So for example if a developer asks us which records we have for a relatively obscure spot because they wish to build houses on ‘X43’ we can pull out our relevant records more easily and with added confidence.

          I mentioned to Rosie that I would trial a system for my frequent Aldcliffe records and she welcomed the idea as it would her save time and head-scratching when transferring data from the site to the database.

          At the moment it’s just between me and her but I plan to devise / upload a map of the Aldcliffe area which will reveal all– and which could be adopted as a recording system by others. There are familiar hotspots like the Wildfowlers Pools but also lots of nooks and crannies and near-identical fields so perhaps next time we have a Tundra Bean Goose at ‘Aldcliffe’ and someone asks yes but where exactly? we might reply ‘A5’ and both know what’s what.

          Re: missing birds no two visitors to any site find or indeed record exactly the same thing and these sites can be quite dynamic: ‘You should’ve been here five minutes ago!’.

          I’ve had 20+ years of practice of getting the most out of each trip to Aldcliffe and I still miss stuff. I’m very familiar and think I know what to look / listen out for– and where. Perhaps me and / or others could do a guided outing when restrictions allow. Would you be interested? The club committee is currently looking to see how the society can benefit our members, the wider community and the base of knowledge we’re acquiring from being in the field since 1959!

          Dan Haywood
            Post count: 534

            Hi Chris,

            Good records!

            The club is doing some work on land we deem ‘functionally linked’ to Morecambe Bay SPA– and for records for key species (most waders and wildfowl) we’re trying to map the usage to field level if possible.

            Are you able to pinpoint the sites you mention for Whooper Swans and Snipe respectively?

   is easy to use and we’d really welcome a 6 or 10 figure grid ref for each precise spot.

            Many thanks,

            Dan Haywood
              Post count: 534

              140 Linnets in Aldcliffe maize field (A3) today.

              Dan Haywood
                Post count: 534


                55 Black-tailed Godwit on Wildfowlers Pools N (A4).

                Dan Haywood
                  Post count: 534

                  Two Stonechats at SD455565 on saltmarsh just N of Conder Green today.

                  Quite a good passage of this species in recent days.

                  Note Kevin’s razor-dodger from Heysham Harbour below.

                  Dan Haywood
                    Post count: 534

                    A whopping 21 Reed Buntings in and around the feeding station this afternoon. This counts equals the site record.

                    Ad Peregrine over NE.

                    Dan Haywood
                      Post count: 534

                      LDBWS Feeding Station early morning:

                      Chaffinch 32
                      Linnet 19
                      Reed Bunting 10

                      30 Fieldfares in Pony Wood.

                      Dan Haywood
                        Post count: 534

                        No quality for me either but 2180 Pink-footed Goose in field containing Frog Pond SD 45908 61170 mid-morning. (note for Rosie: ‘A5’!).

                        63 Linnets in maize stubble field opposite (A4!).

                        77 Curlews on ‘The Flood’ (A14!)

                        Dan Haywood
                          Post count: 534

                          Many thanks Mal and Eddy. This will definitely keep us going until Mid-March when there will be a breeding season hiatus until the autumn.

                          Dan Haywood
                            Post count: 534

                            32 Cavendish Street
                            LA1 5QA


                            Dan Haywood
                              Post count: 534

                              Our ‘grain mountain’ is dwindling and were hoping to carry on the supplementary feeding for another three or four weeks.

                              Is anybody able to help in purchasing a 25kg sack of this?

                              The birds are fond of sunflower chips and we have a good few kilos of those in stock (in my back room) but this particular mix is going down well too.


                              Dan Haywood
                                Post count: 534

                                LDBWS feeding station seedeaters (mostly on the deck) this afternoon:

                                Chaffinch 40
                                Linnet 26
                                Reed Bunting 13
                                Blackbird 6
                                Lesser Redpoll 1

                                Dan Haywood
                                  Post count: 534
                                  in reply to: Arnside Chiffchaff #2313

                                  Good record.

                                  Dan Haywood
                                    Post count: 534
                                    in reply to: Caton/Halton #2312

                                    Great shots.

                                    The duck is actually a Red-breasted Merganser (note the red eye, straight –not hooked– bill tip).

                                    Great images on your site, by the way– particularly the Lune ones!


                                    Dan Haywood
                                      Post count: 534
                                      in reply to: Aldcliffe #2299

                                      I made it about 180 Black-tailed Godwits as well, Barrie.

                                      No sign of the harrier this afternoon.

                                      55 Linnets in middle of maize field (SD455611).

                                      190 Lapwings in narrow field E of ‘upper path’ at SD460604.

                                      Two Green Sandpipers, two Grey Wagtails and two Goldcrests were at Stodday sewage works.

                                      Dan Haywood
                                        Post count: 534

                                        Chaffinch 31
                                        Reed Bunting 17
                                        Stock Dove 2

                                        Kestrel 1

                                        Dan Haywood
                                          Post count: 534

                                          Better numbers today:

                                          Chaffinch 33
                                          Reed Bunting 14

                                          30 Fieldfare in Pony Wood.

                                          male Sparrowhawk through.

                                          Dan Haywood
                                            Post count: 534
                                            in reply to: Chiffchaff #2282

                                            I’ve seen Chiffchaffs with paler feet like this before.

                                            Plumage tones in pic very ‘collybita’.

                                            Dan Haywood
                                              Post count: 534
                                              in reply to: Lune Estuary Area #2276

                                              Just checked some video footage from yesterday and there were a further two adults in another Whooper field, ie eight in total:

                                              Bewick’s Swan:

                                              6 ads SD448545 (nr Jeremy Lane / Moss Lane)
                                              2 ads SD445541 (nr Moss Lane)

                                              Dan Haywood
                                                Post count: 534
                                                in reply to: Lune Estuary Area #2273

                                                Hi Rosie– forgot 2 adult Mediterranean Gulls– SD450550 near Jeremy Lane

                                                Dan Haywood
                                                  Post count: 534
                                                  in reply to: Jeremy & Abbey #2244

                                                  Up to six adult Bewick’s near Jeremy Lane today.

                                                  Dan Haywood
                                                    Post count: 534
                                                    in reply to: Fairfield NR #2228

                                                    This afternoon:

                                                    LDBWS feeding station + Pony Wood:

                                                    Starling 105
                                                    Fieldfare 34
                                                    Linnet 26
                                                    Chaffinch 20
                                                    Goldfinch 18
                                                    Reed Bunting 14
                                                    Kestrel 1 m

                                                    Dan Haywood
                                                      Post count: 534

                                                    Viewing 25 posts - 151 through 175 (of 201 total)