Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings LDBWS feeding station at Fairfield

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  • Dan Haywood
      Post count: 534

      LDBWS Feeding Station 1130:

      5 degrees Celsius

      Chaffinch 75 (new high count for site)
      Linnet 18
      Brambling 5
      Stock Dove 5
      Reed Bunting 5
      Song Thrush 1


      Admiralty Wood (SD467604):

      Redwing 80

      Dan Haywood
        Post count: 534

        LDBWS Feeding Station (A10W) 1045:

        5 degrees Celsius

        Chaffinch 64
        Linnet 8
        Brambling 6
        Stock Dove 3
        Reed Bunting 8

        Sparrowhawk 1 fem

        Red-legged Partridge 2 ‘West Field’ (A8)
        Redwing 20 (A7)
        Fieldfare 65 (A7)
        Green Sandpiper 1 (A14)

        Dan Haywood
          Post count: 534

          LDBWS Feeding Station (A10W) 0845:

          5 degrees Celsius

          Chaffinch 54
          Linnet 1 (plus 10 elsewhere in field)
          Brambling 5
          Reed Bunting 5
          Stock Dove 3

          Sparrowhawk 1 male

          Dan Haywood
            Post count: 534

            LDBWS Feeding Station (A10W) 1300:

            6 degrees Celsius but had been a light frost overnight

            Chaffinch 60
            Reed Bunting 10
            Linnet 8
            Stock Dove 6
            Brambling 4
            Blackbird 4
            Long-tailed Tit 1 took one seed from table (first instance of this here)

            Pony Wood:

            Starling 200
            Fieldfare 65
            Redwing 25
            Mistle Thrush 2
            Great-spotted Woodpecker 1 drumming

            Alasdair Taylor
              Post count: 60

              Sunday 13th February: 9C, dreich!
              Chaffinch ~ 30
              Linnet 11
              Reed bunting 3
              Brambling 1 male
              Goldfinch 5 (alighted in the trees adjacent but didn’t come down to feed)
              Robin 4
              Blackbird 4
              Dunnock 2
              Blue tit 2
              Great tit 1
              Magpie 2
              Pheasant 1

              Dan Haywood
                Post count: 534

                Also seen feeding here today

                Linnet 45 on niger on ground
                Stock Dove 6
                Brambling 4 females
                Lesser Redpoll 1 (with linnets)

                Dan Haywood
                  Post count: 534

                  LDBWS Feeding Station (A10W) 0830:

                  10 degrees Celsius, Windy.

                  Linnet 12
                  Chaffinch 7
                  Reed Bunting 5
                  Brambling 1

                  Stock Dove 2

                  Kestrel 1 male

                Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
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