Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Aldcliffe

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  • Barrie Cooper
      Post count: 144

      A bit of a goosefest this morning. Highlights on Aldcliffe Saltmarsh between 10.00 and 11.30 were:

      Two White-fronted Geese (consensus was probably Russian)
      Two Barnacle Geese

      Water Rail and Kingfisher at the Wildfowlers’ Pools

      Meanwhile the male Blackcap spends much of its day occupying 8 cubic metres of my garden. Feeding on fatballs and apples with the occasional foray for pyracantha berries and search for invertebrates.

      Pete Crooks
        Post count: 253

        Some numbers for the Aldcliffe goosefest:

        Fields between Freeman’s Pools and Wildfowlers’ Pools – c. 2500 Pink-footed Geese and c.270 Greylag Geese (including 5 with orange neck collars – PSA, PSI, PPC, SFJ and SNB).

        South end of Aldcliffe Marsh – 2 Russian White-fronted Geese (much closer views than yesterday confirmed the bill colour as pink), 2 Barnacle Geese, 130 Greylag Geese (including orange neck collar PXL) and 252 Canada Geese (including 2 with red darvic rings on their left legs, but too distant to read).

        Flooded Field at the end of Aldcliffe Hall Lane – 93 Teal and 10 Shoveler

        Pete C

        Dan Haywood
          Post count: 539

          50 Linnets Aldcliffe maize stubble.

          LDBWS Feeding Station

          Goldfinch 40
          Chaffinch 28
          Linnet 15 on ground feed, 20 more in ash trees.
          Reed Bunting 10
          Lesser Redpoll 4 ground feeding

          No Greenfinch on the feeding station list yet– if you see one please let me know!

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