Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Fairfield NR

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  • Dan Haywood
      Post count: 534

      Highlights from this morning:

      House Sparrow 87
      Meadow Pipit 25
      Chaffinch 25
      Snipe 22
      Reed Bunting 9
      Linnet 8
      Jack Snipe 6
      Song Thrush 5
      Greenfinch 5
      Stock Dove 4
      Mistle Thrush 2
      Lesser Redpoll 2
      Grey Wagtail 2
      Pied Wagtail 2
      Woodcock 2
      Curlew 1

      Pink-footed Goose 75 S

      Most of the waders were hidden in rushes / seen only in flight (I was doing some census transects for the Fairfield Association) but one Jack Snipe was viewable from path, feeding by ‘School Pond’ @ SD470610.

      Dan Haywood
        Post count: 534


        Redshank 1 (in West Field SD466607)

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