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  • Barrie Cooper
      Post count: 144
      in reply to: House Martins #8987

      17 nests counted on 17th July – on the same date last year I counted 12 on my patch off New Quay Road. However, some houses haven’t had a nest this year, but have in the past, including mine.

      Interestingly, for the second time on my surveys I’ve seen a Swift inspecting either a full HM nest or the remains of one.

      Barrie Cooper
        Post count: 144
        in reply to: Long-tailed Duck #8289

        Still there this morning

        Barrie Cooper
          Post count: 144
          in reply to: Aldcliffe #7165

          8 Barnacle Geese and 600 Pinkfeet on Aldcliffe Marsh.
          5 Wheatear on Aldlciffe Marsh
          3 Stonechats (1m, 2f) in field east of cycle path

          Barrie Cooper
            Post count: 144
            in reply to: Lunar Pipits #7064

            Only time for a one hour visit to Aldcliffe today:

            Water Pipit – minimum of 2
            Rock Pipit – minimum of 10 including a colour-ringed bird that flew before I could get the details

            A Great Egret on Colloway Marsh

            Barrie Cooper
              Post count: 144
              in reply to: Whooper Swans #6784

              Hi John,
              The metal ring number was XY1302.
              All the best,

              PS. For some reason, my email to you was bounced back as undeliverable.

              Barrie Cooper
                Post count: 144
                in reply to: Aldcliffe #6749

                Hi Dan, Pinkfeet seemed to be dropping in throughout the morning and clearly continued during the afternoon, that’s over twice as many as there was when I left at 11.30.

                Barrie Cooper
                  Post count: 144
                  in reply to: Yellow Wagtails #6027

                  And at least 17 Little Grebe on Conder Pool at 11.15

                  Two Ruff on the river.

                  Barrie Cooper
                    Post count: 144
                    in reply to: Bank End #6017

                    One Painted Lady heading east over the saltmarsh this morning.

                    The BH Gull near the lay-by died.

                    Barrie Cooper
                      Post count: 144

                      10th August 09.30 to 10.00

                      A group of 30+ wagtails included five “yellow” Yellow Wagtails and at least three “pale” Yellow Wags – didn’t have a scope to scrutinise closely.

                      Barrie Cooper
                        Post count: 144
                        in reply to: Aldcliffe #5224


                        09.00 Aldcliffe Hall Lane field
                        Unringed Green Sandpiper
                        3 Wheatears

                        10.30 Wildfowlers’ Pools
                        Green Sandpiper – probably same bird because it was absent from AHL
                        At least 15 Sand Martins
                        At least 8 House Martins
                        Four Swallows

                        Barrie Cooper
                          Post count: 144

                          *Recreational Disturbance Event:

                          Time and Date: 12.15 22/3/22

                          Site: Conder Green

                          Form of disturbance: Morecambe Bay Rescue hovercraft

                          Birds seen to be disturbed / description of disturbance: A few hundred Knot, Bar-tailed and Black-tailed Godwit, other waders, gulls and wildfowl. The hovercraft flushed all the waders as they were gathering to roost during the rising tide. The birds could not return to the roost site because the hovercraft stationed itself at the roost site for several minutes forcing the birds to fly around in search of a roos site. The hovercraft eventually proceeded back up the River Lune probably to disturb other birds roosting up there. Totally unbelievable and irresponsible. What the hell are they doing?

                          Barrie Cooper
                            Post count: 144

                            Breeding plumage Water Pipit during the high tide at Glasson.

                            Barrie Cooper
                              Post count: 144

                              Med Gull on Freeman’s Pool island at 10.00

                              Barrie Cooper
                                Post count: 144
                                in reply to: Common Scoter #4969

                                Male Common Scoter again off the Stone Jetty this morning.

                                Barrie Cooper
                                  Post count: 144
                                  in reply to: Aldcliffe Marsh #4954

                                  1 Green Sandpiper on the flooded field at the bottom of Aldcliffe Hall Lane.

                                  Barrie Cooper
                                    Post count: 144
                                    in reply to: Aldcliffe Marsh #4951

                                    Male and female Stonechat on fence near Wildfowlers’ Pools at 12.00

                                    Barrie Cooper
                                      Post count: 144
                                      in reply to: Lune Cycleway #4934

                                      11 March morning:

                                      15 Avocets – 13 on the Lune, 2 on Conder Pool

                                      Two “new” Chiffchaffs singing today – Wildfowlers’ Pools and Conder Green Car Park

                                      Reed Buntings seem to be coming back on territory

                                      50 Black-tailed Godwits in two fields east of cycle path at Aldcliffe

                                      1300 Pink-footed Geese in field east of cycle path, immediately S of Freeman’s Wood

                                      Barrie Cooper
                                        Post count: 144
                                        in reply to: Common Scoter #4920

                                        Male Common Scoter with the Eiders off the Stone Jetty at 10am this morning. Photo attached.

                                        Three Red-breasted Mergansers (incl 1 Male)

                                        Four Great Crested Grebes

                                        Barrie Cooper
                                          Post count: 144
                                          Barrie Cooper
                                            Post count: 144

                                            One Barnacle Goose with the Pinkfeet on the drumlin (A6) as seen from the cycle path at 10 o’clock.

                                            Barrie Cooper
                                              Post count: 144

                                              4 Whooper Swans in flight seen from Moss Lane, Upper Thurnham on Monday morning.

                                              Barrie Cooper
                                                Post count: 144
                                                in reply to: Geese #4031

                                                33 Pink-footed Geese heading south over Cockersands at 11am on 21st.

                                                Barrie Cooper
                                                  Post count: 144

                                                  Green Sandpiper on Conder river today and 3rd Sept

                                                  Four Wheatears in field at bottom of Aldcliffe Hall Lane

                                                  Barrie Cooper
                                                    Post count: 144
                                                    in reply to: Conder Green #3856

                                                    Juv Avocet 6J again on the River Conder with sibling and un-ringed adult.

                                                    Seventeen Greenshanks at Conder Pool, also a Kingfisher being chased by a paranoid Lapwing. 10+ Common Terns still there.

                                                    Barrie Cooper
                                                      Post count: 144
                                                      in reply to: Conder Green #3846

                                                      Thanks for confirming that Ian. I was looking to see if there was a metal ring on the adult but couldn’t see one – I did wonder if it was that brood.

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