Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Aldcliffe

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  • Barrie Cooper
      Post count: 143

      Additional birds to those reported by others on 11/4 afternoon:

      Wildfowlers’ Pools:
      2 Little Ringed Plovers
      20+ Meadow Pipits

      Aldcliffe Hall Lane:
      At least 3 White Wagtails (plus Pied)
      25+ Meadow Pipits
      1 Little Ringed Plover (one hour difference between WP, so may have been a duplicate sighting)
      2 House Martins zipping through

      stephen wallis
        Post count: 77

        12/04/ 08.15 – 09.15
        Willow warbler 2 heard
        Chiffchaff numerous
        Blackcap pair railway cutting
        Wheatear 5 on marsh
        LRP 2 wildfowlers
        Meadow pipit 2 fence wildfowlers
        Pied wag 3 flood
        Swallow 2×2 parties
        Sand martin few small parties through (Skerton weir yesterday 20 +2 House martin)
        Jay 1

        Barrie Cooper
          Post count: 143


          09.00 Aldcliffe Hall Lane field
          Unringed Green Sandpiper
          3 Wheatears

          10.30 Wildfowlers’ Pools
          Green Sandpiper – probably same bird because it was absent from AHL
          At least 15 Sand Martins
          At least 8 House Martins
          Four Swallows

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