Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings LDBWS feeding station at Fairfield

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  • Dan Haywood
      Post count: 534

      6 degrees Celsius

      Chaffinch 62
      Linnet 4
      Reed Bunting 7
      Stock Dove 4
      Brambling 3

      I think the feeding station will be busy tomorrow morning (chilly night) so if anyone wants to meet me there / help me get accurate counts I’ll be there 10 til 11.


      Pink-footed Goose 1000 on drumlins (in A6 E best viewed from Willow Lane at foot of Cleveland Drive). In terms of oddities I could find only a aberrantly pale one and another with orange legs. But I had limited time so could well have missed something like a bean.

      Barrie Cooper
        Post count: 144

        One Barnacle Goose with the Pinkfeet on the drumlin (A6) as seen from the cycle path at 10 o’clock.

        Dan Haywood
          Post count: 534

          4 degrees Celsius

          Chaffinch 60
          Linnet 2 plus 15 elsewhere in field (Flora / A10)
          Reed Bunting 7
          Stock Dove 5
          Brambling 4 (one male)

          Pink-footed Goose 1300 over N.

          Ian Love
            Post count: 9

            A little later than your visit we saw 1 Greenfinch in the birches near the feeding station. And then wheeling over the trees of Aldcliffe Hall Drive was a (mixed?) flock of about 50 thrushes – mainly Redwings. Walking on, The Flood hosted a gathering of about 100 Teal.

            Dan Haywood
              Post count: 534

              Reed Bunting 9
              Brambling 3
              (per Jon Carter)

              Dan Haywood
                Post count: 534


                8 degrees Celsius

                Chaffinch 36
                Reed Bunting 6
                Stock Dove 6
                Brambling 3 (fems)
                Linnet 2

                17 Jan: (thanks Clio)

                Linnet 50
                Stock Dove 9

                Dan Haywood
                  Post count: 534

                  1 degrees Celsius- light frost

                  Chaffinch 65
                  Linnet 60
                  Reed Bunting 9
                  Stock Dove 6
                  Brambling 5 (4 fems)
                  Song Thrush 2


                  Pink-footed Goose 160 over, W
                  Meadow Pipit 8 A10
                  Mistle Thrush 1 singing A9W
                  Redwing 30 Admiralty Wood
                  Great Spotted Woodpecker drumming Admiralty Wood.

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