Forum Replies Created
in reply to: Wood Sandpiper – Aldcliffe #8956
I got a bit of video of it this morning:
in reply to: Whatsapp roundup w/c 3/6/24 #8879[05/06/24 08:07:00] Various: 50 plus 35 plus 27 Canada geese north past Heysham north wall (20 sanderling, 2 common scoter and a bad heat haze!)
in reply to: Whatsapp roundup w/c 3/6/24 #8864[04/06/24 08:04:00] Various: Over 150 common scoter and a flock of 50 kittiwake so far off Heysham (visibility good) per Mark Prestwood
[04/06/24 09:03:00] Various: Dm arctic skua in Heysham 0825 (flock 13 Canada goose north, 5 more scoter)
in reply to: Whatsapp roundup w/c 27/5/24 #8858[01/06/2024, 12:04:16] Rob Pocklington: Red kite above Levens play park
[02/06/2024, 09:32:52] Various: Sea off Heysham: a late flock of 7 Arctic tern, one dark morph arctic skua, 12 common scoter and a Gannet (per Mark Prestwood)
[02/06/2024, 10:12:35] Jarrod Sneyd: Little gull, Lower hide, Leighton Moss
[02/06/2024, 11:48:03] Jarrod Sneyd: Little gull 2, Causeway pool, L Moss
[02/06/2024, 15:55:11] Various: Late migrant spotted flycatcher along golf course edge Middleton NR
in reply to: Recent Damsels and Dragons #8856Helen and I had a Beautiful Demoiselle flitting through Foulshaw yesterday evening, and my fellow Mc, Mr Mckee reports that he saw one there today too!
in reply to: Whatsapp roundup w/c 20/5/24 #8840[23/05/2024, 16:33:00] Various: Over 50 Sanderling on Heysham skeer on dropping tide – earlier northbound Osprey (migrant, not fishing loiterer)
in reply to: Whatsapp roundup w/c 20/5/24 #8838[21/05/2024, 10:57:22] Various: Sea off Heysham a quiet mill pond this am but still a flock of 70 kittiwake in (two red throat, c25 common scoter, grey seal). Also 300 plus 700 Knot heading north. Last day of lengthy seabird monitoring. Unprecedented passage of presumably high Arctic Kittiwake population the highlight this week, some 1.5 months after the usual peak passage of Kittiwake
[21/05/2024, 15:09:06] Various: 2cy little gull causeway midday
[21/05/2024, 18:08:49] Various: 2cy little gull EM pool mid pm – two birds in Leighton area?
[22/05/2024, 11:44:19] Various: Heysham: flock of three Manx shearwater out in 30m Seawatch near high tide
[22/05/2024, 19:28:16] Andrew McCafferty: 5 Little Gulls still on Conder Pool this evening
This reply was modified 8 months, 3 weeks ago by
in reply to: Whatsapp roundup w/c 13/5/2024 #8835[15/05/2024, 05:54:27] Various: Sea so far Heysham: common scoter 1125 in, dm Arctic in
[15/05/2024, 06:30:21] Various: Two lm pom heading in now q distant
[15/05/2024, 08:08:01] Various: Heysham north wall Sea 0535-0800: in unless stated: 1433 Common Scoter, two LM Pom Skua, 6 arctic Skua (one out very close; 4 LM, 2 DM), 70 Sandwich tern, 8 Arctic tern, 1 Little Tern, 9 Gannet, one sp Red throat, 27 Kittiwake (3 flocks out), 26 Guillemot, 14 raz/guill, flock of 3 drake Goosander, 29 swallow, 3 house Martin and an in off spotted flycatcher which landed on railing before quickly heading in over the road. Most of the scoter before 0600 and only two distant flocks seen coming out. In addition three very distant outbound probable skuas together with the rear one looking smaller but too far for any id
[15/05/2024, 12:05:13] Ian Hartley: Osprey currently circling over Lancaster University campus.
[15/05/2024, 12:13:53] Matthew Powell: Is it looking for a uni plaice?
[15/05/2024, 14:21:07] Phil Byle: Full summer plumage White-winged Black Tern showing really well from Causeway
[15/05/2024, 14:22:16] Colin Barnes Leighton Moss: White winged black tern over causeway pool at Leighton Moss this afternoon. Confirmed
[15/05/2024, 16:15:23] Josh Hedley: Wwbt now over Lillians pool
[15/05/2024, 16:18:29] Josh Hedley: And back over the causeway
[15/05/2024, 17:25:57] Andrew McCafferty: WWBT has flown in the direction of the shore pools (we’re looking from sky tower, had good views before it disappeared)
[15/05/2024, 17:37:31] Matthew Powell: Still that way or heading back? Just on Causeway now.
[15/05/2024, 17:46:53] Josh Hedley: Over Em pool now #traintick
[15/05/2024, 17:48:26] Alan Physick: Just lost it
[15/05/2024, 17:48:47] Alan Physick: By Eric Morecambe
[15/05/2024, 17:52:54] Chris Piner: White winged black tern back over Lilians pool from Skytower now
[15/05/2024, 17:53:22] Matthew Powell: At Lilian’s now
[15/05/2024, 17:55:25] Matthew Powell: Now at causeway
[15/05/2024, 17:56:29] Andrew McCafferty: Haven’t seen it head back, but we’ve left now, Chris Piner’s just popped up there now. Going to check from Bride’s Seat on the way somewhere else
[15/05/2024, 18:00:12] Matthew Powell: At lower Hide now (from skytower)
[15/05/2024, 18:22:29] Matthew Powell: It’s getting mobbed by black heads. Seems to be down lower end now and doing a lot of diving.
[15/05/2024, 18:24:42] Alan Physick: Gone back towards Lillian’s
[15/05/2024, 19:51:27] Garry: Negative from sky tower the last hour…scanning lower/ causeway etc
[15/05/2024, 19:53:07] Alan Physick: I’m trying to locate it on the marshes, I’ve just had it quite far out from Eric Mbe but took my eye off it to open the window and can’t find it.
[16/05/2024, 14:14:28] Various: Sea heysham 0525-1130 with Mark Prestwood; in unless stated:
Kittiwake – 147 in 15 flocks- many high flying and some could have been missed
Red throated Diver – perhaps the same three sp seen close inshore on three occasions
Arctic skua 1, 2, 1 then one got off sea and chased terns (2LM, 3 DM)
Sandwich tern at least 50, Arctic Tern – single and flock of 30
Little Tern – one
Black Tern – one
Gannet – c35
Aythya spp prob Tufted distant flock of three
Common Scoter – just 40
Fulmar – 2
Little Gull – 1st summer
Bottle-nosed Dolphin – 4-5 chasing ?tuna[17/05/2024, 10:02:36] Craig Bell: Spoonbill down in R Keer area, c40 Knot, 20 Bar-tails, LRP, 6 Dunlin and a prob Curlew Sand but all flushed by RSPB staff on marsh. 3 seoerate Osprey sightings, 2 GWE best from dawn-9.
[17/05/2024, 16:10:30] Various: Sea heysham 0600-0930 (MP, JR, TW, PM). All about second day of late adult Kittiwake passage – are these high Arctic eg Svalbard-bound? Just half a dozen or so 2cy. A bit murky for overlanding though:
Kittiwake – 312 in (85 largest flock), 92 out – not necessarily same based on flock sizes
Common scoter – 153 in, 40 out
Red throated diver – 5 in, 4 out
Sandwich tern – 16 in, c25 blogging
Manx Shearwater – 3 plus 7 in – first of year for heysham and year tick
Gannet – just 2
Common Tern – one out
Arctic Skua – lm and dm together with another dm trailing 300m behind – in at c0910
One swift and about 5 swallow
Just a grey seal mammal wise <This message was edited>[17/05/2024, 17:10:54] Various: 2cy little gull causeway/lower now (per Craig)
[18/05/2024, 07:30:02] Various: Fulmar in Heyshsm – just the job 😊
[18/05/2024, 08:34:48] Various: 560 kittiwake in/climbing and others heard but not seen overhead (!) in last 20 mins Heysham – awesome!
[18/05/2024, 11:12:06] Various: Sea Heysham (MP, JR, PM). Headwind today with no easterly element. Large chunks of watching paint dry but this all changed 20 mins before HT with massive Kittiwake movement. 606 were counted heading in and up and judging by all the calls two significant north-east bound flocks couldn’t be picked up overhead in the blue sky. Amazing how far the sound carried from these flocks. All but handful passed through in a 35 minute period up to and over HT
Fulmar 1
Gannet – 12
Common scoter 10 plus 7
Guillemot – 10
Sandwich Tern – 33 in, 16 out – no blogging today
(Probable v distant little tern)
I would suspect any skuas or arctic terns today would have been way up out of sight before reaching heysham based on the behaviour of the usually more reluctant to overland Kitts <This message was edited>[18/05/2024, 11:19:42] Various: Osprey fishing around heysham two outfall before heading east c0930
[18/05/2024, 11:50:41] Various: Another 83 kitts on the sea to the south of the outfalls which hadn’t made a move before we left so different birds (per Malcolm). <This message was edited>
[18/05/2024, 12:53:25] Various: Two hobbies over Crookhey Hall
[18/05/2024, 16:25:05] Various: Little gull pres 2cy Allen Pool
[18/05/2024, 17:55:45] Jarrod Sneyd: Garganey 1m @ NT Parkend (Brigsteer)
[18/05/2024, 20:05:08] Jarrod Sneyd: Cuckoo very vocal at Foulshaw Moss this evening
[19/05/2024, 07:39:34] Andrew McCafferty: Gannet in and 25 Common Scoters in so far at Heysham from S Harbour Walk
[19/05/2024, 07:48:30] Various: Best off Heysham north wall lm and dm arctic skuas in then on at 0645
[19/05/2024, 09:00:58] Ian Hartley: 5 Little Gulls Conder Green pool
[19/05/2024, 17:18:45] Various: Just trying to summarise todays seawatching from Stone jetty and Heysham:
Arctic skua – dark morph in SJ at 0629, dm and lm dropped from height then landed on sea drifting in off Heysham at 0645. Typical behaviour before heading up and overland so not surprised not seen at SJ
Kittiwake – 121 in at SJ just one flock of 37 flying out at Heysham – SJ birds clearly on sea to north of Heysham before watch started
Arctic Tern – latish flock of 14 past SJ – not seen Heysham – pres through before watch started
Red throated Diver – 3 in, one floating in Heysham
Gannet – about 12 in total
Sandwich Tern – just two seen at both locations
Guillemot – three floating in, one in, one out
Common Scoter – c70 in three gangs off Heysham – none reached SJ
Goosander – male in Heysham <This message was edited>in reply to: Conder Green #8818Wow, a 19 year old tern breeding at Conder Pool?! Is that just middle-aged for a Common Tern?
in reply to: Whatsapp roundup w/c 6/5/2024 #8817[10/05/2024, 09:30:34] Matthew Powell: Pair of red kite getting mobbed by buzzard, crow and jackdaw over Yealand now.
[10/05/2024, 12:26:36] Various: Flock of snow geese high and distant just reported over Leighton moss
[10/05/2024, 12:33:38] Ronnie Irving: A flock of 24, one blue phase landed in field between College Green and Halforth Farms at 1145am. Still grazing now. 23 including a blue phase bird were reported flying offBelvide Res Staffs at 815am today, same flock?
[10/05/2024, 12:36:18] Jonathan Scragg: There was a flock of 23 birds (22 white and 1 blue) on the Ribble yesterday, so it is probably the same flock that were at Belvide early this morning and have now come back north
[10/05/2024, 12:44:11] Eddy Bayton/M: I saw five white geese flying over Torrishome yesterday and assumed them to be feral birds like the ones at the Crook O,Lune. Probably were.
[10/05/2024, 14:03:12] Various: Snow geese still as above near college green farm 1233
[10/05/2024, 15:11:51] Phil Byle: Snow Geese still present
[10/05/2024, 20:52:32] Keefe Murphy: Snow Geese still present near College Green Farm at 20:20
[10/05/2024, 21:23:30] Matthew Powell: Hobby over Yealand just towards Leighton Moss.
[11/05/2024, 10:07:51] Andrew McCafferty: Late news, but while out with the WeX group at Leighton Moss this morning, at about 7:45, we had a spoonbill in the dead tree behind Causeway (under an osprey). Just spoke to Josh who saw it from the train on one of the shore pools at 0830 or so.
[12/05/2024, 06:19:45] Pete Crooks (ed: possibly passing on news from somebody else, can’t tell from message): 1 light morph Pom and 2 dark morph Arctic Skua on sea then flew in and lost over Heysham Head while repositioning car. Also: 14 Sandwich Tern, 22 C Scoter, 2 Guillemot and 8 Whimbrel
[12/05/2024, 09:12:21] Ian Hartley: Some bird news… Little Gull 2CY on Conder pool
[12/05/2024, 12:46:23] Various: At least one garganey still Brigsteer wetlands, off passage drake common scoter low tide-feeding by conger rock Heysham head (two sanderling on nearby skeer)
[12/05/2024, 19:07:26] Various: 1st summer little gull still em pool.
[12/05/2024, 20:01:29] Various: Garganey Leighton moss (no further detail)
in reply to: Whatsapp roundup w/c 6/5/2024 #88069/5/24
19:35 Phil Byle: Hobby between EM pools and LM heading towards main reserve nowin reply to: Whatsapp roundup w/c 6/5/2024 #87978/5/24
Various: A few bits on the sea in poor vis whilst waiting for knot flock to use heysham heliport (for flag reading): 1 Razorbill, 5 guillemot, 1 Gannet, 25,7,1 5 common scoter, 4 sandwich tern, 2 porpoise
At least one mobile spoonbill Leighton moss reported from saltmarsh pools and lower hide; 1st little gull briefly saltmarsh pools
Helen Berg heard and saw garden warblers by the Lune at Halton, in the scrubby bit beyond the Hydro (up and down the hill) and she also jammily found a kingfisher at Skerton Weir
This reply was modified 9 months, 1 week ago by
in reply to: Whatsapp roundup w/c 6/5/2024 #8796[07/05/2024, 09:40:18] Helen Berg: 1 LRP on the flood, bottom of Aldcliffe Hall Lane. Also singing whitethroat.
[07/05/2024, 10:20:23] Various: Rather slow on the sea off Heysham – too calm and clear and known Arctic tern flocks passing Rossall didn’t get in as far as Heyshsm before pres climbing up and overland. Similarly no skuas. Birds: 51 Arctic tern, 17 kitts, c50 sandwich terns, 1 razorbill, 28 guillemot, 1 gannet (3 porpoise)
[07/05/2024, 15:15:41] Steve Graham: Birk Bank: 3 male Cuckoo calling and 1 female briefly.
[07/05/2024, 18:32:49] ~ Phil Byle: Little gull on silver dale moss, ruff on EM pools
in reply to: Whimbrel flock – including colour-ringed bird #87885 Whimbrel still this afternoon around 4pm in usual field off Little Fell Lane, including the same CR bird Pete C had the other day, green on left, yellow on right (Pete’s still waiting to hear back from the Welsh group that ringed it). Looks like some of them have moved on (correlating with some nocmig records I’ve had in the last couple of days).
in reply to: Whatsapp roundup w/c 29/4/24 #8785[05/05/2024, 07:28:28] Ian Hartley: Garden Warbler and Whinchat, Conder Green
[05/05/2024, 07:54:16] Andrew McCafferty: Four gannets resting on the sea off the stone jetty, now flying in. EDIT: make that 7 <This message was edited>
[05/05/2024, 08:36:30] Various: Three more gannet, 7 kitt, guillemot, 3 common scoter, 15 sandwich tern in short pre webs seawatch from heyshsm (also two porpoise)
[05/05/2024, 09:20:01] Various: Tree pipit ringed midd NR, whinchat briefly ocean edge. Male black grouse by great stone this am (reliable source)!
[05/05/2024, 11:50:29] Phil Byle: Whinchat plus 2 Wheatear on Heversham Moss next to the flooded field
[05/05/2024, 11:50:30] Phil Byle: 2 more Whinchat at the South end of Heversham Miss. A flock of 200+ Pink footed Geese heading up the Lyth valley
[05/05/2024, 11:50:30] Phil Byle: Decent mixed flock of Ringed Plover and Dunlin off Sandside. Maybe 150 of each of each spread out. Also a couple of common gulls still
[05/05/2024, 19:20:42] Stuart Sharp: 3 male Whinchat on the fence lining the ditch by the flooded field, Heversham Moss.
[05/05/2024, 21:42:33] Various: 6 snow geese (one blue morph) of unknown origin flew over Leighton moss (not sure when) – others seen at Lytham. Farmoor res birds suggested.
in reply to: Near Freehold. #8783They’ve been in Freehold (I live on Windermere Road) since at least 1st May, on and off, but today is probably the first day I’ve seen them really making the place look like home
in reply to: Whatsapp roundup w/c 29/4/24 #8763[03/05/2024, 07:29:58] Various: Flock of 391 Arctic and one black tern just headed in heyshsm 😄
[03/05/2024, 07:57:57] Matthew Powell: Sedge warbler arrived in Yealand this morning.
[03/05/2024, 09:31:48] Various: Sea from 0638 Heysham from back of harbour. A bit messy with bits of bad light and poor visibility plus a bit of backtracking challenging accurate tern totals: allowing for back trackers going in again 539 Arctic tern in including straggling flock of 391 and 60 which headed high inland over my head, 30-50 Sandwich tern, 1 Black tern, 2 dm Arctic Skua (one in high, the other low and very distant), razorbill (on), 1 red throated diver, c73 Common scoter. Only wader migration 7 whimbrel in and only 6 swallow seen. Distant flock of 6 geese prob pink feet. All arctic tern before 0840.
[03/05/2024, 09:45:40] Ian Hartley: Short-eared Owl north over Cockersands lighthouse, currently over Middleton sands.
[03/05/2024, 09:51:35] “Cog”: Pair of garganey at Brigsteer wetland/Park End moss now
[03/05/2024, 10:30:35] Various: Another 45 mins on sea from 0945 north wall: 34 Arctic tern in, 6 red throats on, 12 sandwich tern out
[03/05/2024, 18:08:35] Various: Hooded crow along Wray to botton mill road near the turning to leyland farm (two male black grouse of unknown origin nearby in recent times). Note Wray scarecrow festival/Fair and traffic issues, also some bad bends on this road with eg regular barges milk and Carr billingtons animal feed coming the other way <This message was edited>
[03/05/2024, 19:26:31] Various: Presumed fencehopped male black grouse showing well in field just north of Leyland Farm alongside Wray to Summersgill/botton mill road but no sign hooded crow
[03/05/2024, 19:30:28] Rob Pocklington: Get it ticked
[03/05/2024, 20:01:54] Various: Six minute twitch – grasshopper warbler singing from juncus 1/2 mile further on (drumming snipe)
[04/05/2024, 08:45:29] Various: Sea sampling heysham 0750 -0840: vis fine 0800-0820, otherwise rubbish: 2 gannet, 1 red throat, 6 common scoter, 7 sandwich tern. As expected no arctic tern.
[04/05/2024, 09:04:26] Richard du Feu: Curlew sand on Conder pool
[04/05/2024, 09:53:25] Various: Two male black grouse in field just north of Leyland farm then flew west across road.
[04/05/2024, 11:25:12] Various: The two Black grouse not visible from road after they flew powerfully and purposefully west and had not returned 30 mins later
[04/05/2024, 11:27:32] Various: No sign of hooded crow in extensive search from roadside vps
[04/05/2024, 11:41:09] Various: Five pale bellied Brent, unexpectedly late for this side of bay, on Red Nab
[04/05/2024, 12:25:05] Various: Out of sight wood sandpiper just flown north from Conder pool; no sign of curlew sand
[04/05/2024, 15:12:18] Various: Curlew Sand now in the river at Conder
[04/05/2024, 17:09:59] Various: First 12 sanderling of the annual spring passage through heysham skeer this evening (plus 23 whimbrel) <This message was edited>
[04/05/2024, 17:14:33] Phil Byle: Whooper swan at the slag tips (the injured one from Heversham?). 30+ bar tailed godwits in with the Black tails. 12 Knot and maybe 10 whimbrel (1500-1620).
[04/05/2024, 18:19:48] Various: Quick visit – one black grouse male showing just north of Leyland farm entrance on east side of road now
in reply to: Whatsapp Roundup w/c 22/4/24 #8707[24/04/2024, 08:06:08] Various: Heysham: common or Arctic tern flock of c20 flying in in heat haze second channel out prob Arctic <This message was edited>
[24/04/2024, 08:11:40] Various: Another 8 Arctic tern in close
[24/04/2024, 08:36:24] Various: 15 Arctic terns doing what they do best – climbing up and heading overland NE over heysham head
[24/04/2024, 08:58:26] Various: 18 more Arctic tern just climbed up and headed Inland over harbour (140 swallow in 1.5 hrs north)
[24/04/2024, 09:46:38] Barrie Cooper: Whinchat and Wheatear at Aldcliffe Wildfowlers Pools
[24/04/2024, 09:48:27] Various: Sea from back of heysham harbour looking out through harbour mouth 0728-0930: all flying in unless stated otherwise: 85 Arctic Tern in/overland (inc 20 distant where common not def ruled out), 63 sandwich tern in,9 common scoter,one red throat, I Kittiwake, two seemingly migratory Bar tailed godwit flock high to north of 44 plus 24, 12 whimbrel, 6 Sanderling, (sev Dunlin and knot flocks), 187 Swallow, 2 house Martin, 5 Sand Martin, c60 small passerine. Friday looks good and the event day on Sunday interesting forecast but wrap up well!
[24/04/2024, 10:06:48] Various: Glossy ibis still in wet field adjoining horse paddock Middleton
[24/04/2024, 16:18:51] Various: Anyone in eg heysham area – three common cranes circling over Knott end now – which way will they go? <This message was edited>
[24/04/2024, 16:49:18] Andrew McCafferty: They’ve just gone over Conder Green:
3 Common Cranes north over Conder Green at 4.42pm. Mark Prestwood (via Chris Batty on Fylde group)[24/04/2024, 17:05:23] Phil Byle: They are over Yealand heading north
[24/04/2024, 17:08:37] Phil Byle: I lost them when I texted. They may be dropping into Leight Moss, because I am looking from Holme and I can see right across the valley.
[24/04/2024, 17:15:50] Garry Sharples: Heading north west over marsh Lane area milnthorpe now, towards a590/ Gilpin bridge direction
in reply to: Whatsapp Roundup w/c 22/4/24 #8702[23/04/2024, 08:10:05] Various: Flock 14 inbound Arctic tern and low double figures sandwich tern over sea so far off Morecambe/heysham.
[23/04/2024, 09:21:08] Various: Glossy ibis still horse paddock (only further stuff on sea two inbound sp red throats and sand tern to about 40 – no east in wind – due north)
[23/04/2024, 10:34:18] Chris Piner: 2 Swifts over Sizergh Castle Rock Garden at c10am
[23/04/2024, 21:13:55] Phil Byle: Swift seen from Lower this PM. GWE flew over Trowbarrow towards Fell End rather than joining the roost
[23/04/2024, 21:26:10] Tim Sarney: Single Swift this morning at eco housing in Halton over Lune
in reply to: Whatsapp roundup w/c 15/4/24 #8686[21/04/2024, 07:26:55] Shaun Coyle: Whitethroat at Middleton NR.
[21/04/2024, 08:51:38] Shaun Coyle: Glossy Ibis in horse paddock at Middleton.
[21/04/2024, 09:54:44] Andrew McCafferty: image omitted
[21/04/2024, 11:04:18] Various: See stone jetty seawatch on LDBWS site – source of info – also flock of 11 Arctic tern we missed at Heysham! Cuckoo now in the area in Fluke hall wood.
[21/04/2024, 12:18:15] Various: Spoonbill now on flood visible from Crag Viewpoint
[21/04/2024, 14:39:53] Shaun Coyle: Cattle Egret and Med Gull at Conder Pool.
[21/04/2024, 15:03:34] Various: White Stork circling high. Looking from Cockersand distantly towards Pilling Church 1500 hrs per Fylde WhatsApp
in reply to: Whatsapp roundup w/c 15/4/24 #8675[20/04/2024, 08:38:34] Various: Six pale bellied Brent still Heysham (currently north of the head), marsh harrier in-off ocean edge 0730 (sea NHWall just 10-12 sandwich tern, 15 common scoter and a red throat so far).
[20/04/2024, 09:26:11] Various: Glossy ibis still horse paddock behind horse enclosure
[20/04/2024, 16:06:08] Kevin Eaves: Whinchat at Middleton nature reserve.
[20/04/2024, 19:17:37] Andrew McCafferty: 12 whimbrel in field off Little Fell Lane just now
in reply to: Whatsapp roundup w/c 15/4/24 #8662[19/04/2024, 11:47:02] Various: Glossy ibis still in horse paddock per Alan P
[19/04/2024, 12:22:52] Various: Significant lesser whitethroat arrival this am (in north westerly!!) with at least 10 singing males on Middleton NR and nearby
[19/04/2024, 13:18:38] Various: Nine pale bellied Brent still red nab this am
[19/04/2024, 13:21:00] Matthew Powell: They’ve made their way to Yealand.
[19/04/2024, 15:04:37] Kevin Shaw: At least two male Lesser Whitethroat were singing just now, not seen. Glossy Ibis still in horse field, looking very smart in fresh plumage.
[19/04/2024, 15:58:37] Various: Ad Shag conger rock, just north of Heysham head, at low tide (two sandwich tern fishing nearby), distant Osprey heading north up the centre of the bay
[19/04/2024, 17:22:56] Rosie Briggs: Grasshopper warbler reeling Middleton NR this afternoon.
in reply to: Whatsapp roundup w/c 15/4/24 #8658[18/04/2024, 08:19:13] Various: Ad shag still Heysham harbour mouth area (sea poor from 0625: 13 sandwich tern, 6 red throats, 24 common scoter (3 lots), 1 porpoise, 14 swallow – nothing in final 45 mins other than swallows). Still need gannet for the year!!
[18/04/2024, 08:31:05] Various: Glossy ibis in horse paddock now
[18/04/2024, 09:10:32] Various: Blue darvic-ringed Osprey just flown west over Ocean Edge
[18/04/2024, 10:55:20] Various: Glossy ibis still horse paddock cp erratic presence the prev two days
[18/04/2024, 19:17:38] Andrew McCafferty: Probably worth mentioning that Clay Garland had 5 whimbrel in the Little Fell Lane fields this morning (early, 5am start for the poor boy).
This reply was modified 9 months, 3 weeks ago by
in reply to: Whatsapp roundup w/c 15/4/24 #8654[17/04/2024, 11:32:22] Various: Glossy ibis in horse paddock 1125hrs after being absent at least 1000hrs
[17/04/2024, 12:42:41] David Kaye: Osprey sat on a rock on Heysham Skear eating a flatfish
[17/04/2024, 16:52:08] Pete Crooks: 4 Whimbrel in usual stop-over field by Little Fell Lane, Quernmore plus 9 Wheatear
in reply to: Whatsapp roundup w/c 15/4/24 #864915/4/24 09:09:55 Various: Flock of 11 common scoter and a red throat off heysham this am
15/4/24 09:31:12 Sophie: Had the Ibis yesterday in horse paddock at 14:30
15/4/24 10:20:08 Various: The adult shag in the harbour mouth
15/4/24 12:32:29 Joe Murphy: A colleague of mine had 8 ring ouzel on Farleton Knott yesterday. 5 females 3 males.
15/4/24 13:30:06 Kevin Shaw: Greenshank, 2x Avocet on river opposite Condor pool
15/4/24 14:28:16 Various: Glossy ibis back 1250 (large swallow passage Heysham)
15/4/24 19:11:04 Jarrod Sneyd: First Leighton Moss House Martin this evening at Lilians pool
15/4/24 19:32 The 11 pale bellied Brent still red nab am dropping tide (off play area at low tide)
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