Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Whatsapp roundup w/c 15/4/24

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  • andrewmccafferty
      Post count: 96

      [16/04/2024, 11:38:47] Various: Glossy Ibis still horse paddock 1030 (three singing lesser white throat Middleton NR)

      [16/04/2024, 13:57:53] Pete Crooks: Second- hand news: Bumped into Mark Prestwood, who had seen dark morph Arctic Skua off Teal Bay on 7th April and 2 Whimbrel at Conder Pool yesterday (15/4/24)

      [16/04/2024, 13:58:44] David: Osprey fishing to north of Heysham skeer

      [16/04/2024, 17:17:15] Rob Foster: Cuckoo in Over Wyresdale today.

        Post count: 96

        15/4/24 09:09:55 Various: Flock of 11 common scoter and a red throat off heysham this am

        15/4/24 09:31:12 Sophie: Had the Ibis yesterday in horse paddock at 14:30

        15/4/24 10:20:08 Various: The adult shag in the harbour mouth

        15/4/24 12:32:29 Joe Murphy: A colleague of mine had 8 ring ouzel on Farleton Knott yesterday. 5 females 3 males.

        15/4/24 13:30:06 Kevin Shaw: Greenshank, 2x Avocet on river opposite Condor pool

        15/4/24 14:28:16 Various: Glossy ibis back 1250 (large swallow passage Heysham)

        15/4/24 19:11:04 Jarrod Sneyd: First Leighton Moss House Martin this evening at Lilians pool

        15/4/24 19:32 The 11 pale bellied Brent still red nab am dropping tide (off play area at low tide)

          Post count: 96

          [17/04/2024, 11:32:22] Various: Glossy ibis in horse paddock 1125hrs after being absent at least 1000hrs

          [17/04/2024, 12:42:41] David Kaye: Osprey sat on a rock on Heysham Skear eating a flatfish

          [17/04/2024, 16:52:08] Pete Crooks: 4 Whimbrel in usual stop-over field by Little Fell Lane, Quernmore plus 9 Wheatear

            Post count: 96

            [18/04/2024, 08:19:13] Various: Ad shag still Heysham harbour mouth area (sea poor from 0625: 13 sandwich tern, 6 red throats, 24 common scoter (3 lots), 1 porpoise, 14 swallow – nothing in final 45 mins other than swallows). Still need gannet for the year!!

            [18/04/2024, 08:31:05] Various: Glossy ibis in horse paddock now

            [18/04/2024, 09:10:32] Various: Blue darvic-ringed Osprey just flown west over Ocean Edge

            [18/04/2024, 10:55:20] Various: Glossy ibis still horse paddock cp erratic presence the prev two days

            [18/04/2024, 19:17:38] Andrew McCafferty: Probably worth mentioning that Clay Garland had 5 whimbrel in the Little Fell Lane fields this morning (early, 5am start for the poor boy).

              Post count: 96

              [19/04/2024, 11:47:02] Various: Glossy ibis still in horse paddock per Alan P

              [19/04/2024, 12:22:52] Various: Significant lesser whitethroat arrival this am (in north westerly!!) with at least 10 singing males on Middleton NR and nearby

              [19/04/2024, 13:18:38] Various: Nine pale bellied Brent still red nab this am

              [19/04/2024, 13:21:00] Matthew Powell: They’ve made their way to Yealand.

              [19/04/2024, 15:04:37] Kevin Shaw: At least two male Lesser Whitethroat were singing just now, not seen. Glossy Ibis still in horse field, looking very smart in fresh plumage.

              [19/04/2024, 15:58:37] Various: Ad Shag conger rock, just north of Heysham head, at low tide (two sandwich tern fishing nearby), distant Osprey heading north up the centre of the bay

              [19/04/2024, 17:22:56] Rosie Briggs: Grasshopper warbler reeling Middleton NR this afternoon.

                Post count: 96

                [20/04/2024, 08:38:34] Various: Six pale bellied Brent still Heysham (currently north of the head), marsh harrier in-off ocean edge 0730 (sea NHWall just 10-12 sandwich tern, 15 common scoter and a red throat so far).

                [20/04/2024, 09:26:11] Various: Glossy ibis still horse paddock behind horse enclosure

                [20/04/2024, 16:06:08] Kevin Eaves: Whinchat at Middleton nature reserve.

                [20/04/2024, 19:17:37] Andrew McCafferty: 12 whimbrel in field off Little Fell Lane just now

                  Post count: 96

                  [21/04/2024, 07:26:55] Shaun Coyle: Whitethroat at Middleton NR.

                  [21/04/2024, 08:51:38] Shaun Coyle: Glossy Ibis in horse paddock at Middleton.

                  ‎[21/04/2024, 09:54:44] Andrew McCafferty: ‎image omitted

                  [21/04/2024, 11:04:18] Various: See stone jetty seawatch on LDBWS site – source of info – also flock of 11 Arctic tern we missed at Heysham! Cuckoo now in the area in Fluke hall wood.

                  [21/04/2024, 12:18:15] Various: Spoonbill now on flood visible from Crag Viewpoint

                  [21/04/2024, 14:39:53] Shaun Coyle: Cattle Egret and Med Gull at Conder Pool.

                  [21/04/2024, 15:03:34] Various: White Stork circling high. Looking from Cockersand distantly towards Pilling Church 1500 hrs per Fylde WhatsApp

                Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
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