Home › Forums › Bird & Insect Sightings › Whatsapp roundup w/c 29/4/24
Apologies for getting behind, been a busy week, so here’s nearly the whole week!
[29/04/2024, 10:28:18] Various: Glossy ibis in flooded field next to horse paddock now!
[29/04/2024, 10:30:58] Various: Still 3 Cattle Egrets on Conder Pool and the Spotted Redshank on the Estuary
[30/04/2024, 07:37:18] Various: No sign of the purple heron in the trees by pond where photographed yesterday in docker park but surrounding area not checked (editor’s note: details of this not added just because it was mainly pictures and my export technique doesn’t work for those 🙂 )
[30/04/2024, 08:55:46] Various: Sea 0720-0850 from back of harbour Heysham: just 6 Arctic tern (20 common scoter, 57 swallow, 4 sand Martin, 3 gadwall (!), 12 barwit, 5 whimbrel, 1 sand tern, tree pipit, 5 plus lesser redpoll) ‎<This message was edited>
[30/04/2024, 09:27:17] Various: No sign of ibis 0920 Middleton horse paddock
[30/04/2024, 09:51:40] Various: Heysham: Two female whinchat on road from passenger terminal down to back of harbour sat on razor wire fence!
[30/04/2024, 10:11:26] Various: Flyover yellow wagtail on Farleton Knott this AM. (Tree Pipit singing) per Phil
[30/04/2024, 10:29:30] Various: Dark morph Arctic skua flew into bay at 0633 as seen from stone jetty
[30/04/2024, 10:39:13] Stuart Sharp: Spotted flycatcher just in our area near Sedbergh.
[30/04/2024, 11:51:46] Phil Byle: First garden warblers on Farleton this AM
[30/04/2024, 13:00:36] Richard du Feu: I saw my first cuckoo of the year between Wennington and low Bentham this morning.
[30/04/2024, 14:19:12] Various: Again no sign of glossy ibis 1345hrs
[30/04/2024, 14:52:32] Various: Slightly extended negative look for purple heron both sides of railway line but quite a few areas where it could conceal – a roost flight would be best chance? (Two singing male lesser whitethroat) ‎<This message was edited>
[30/04/2024, 15:02:53] David Kaye: 5 PBBrent just flown back to off play area Heysham
[30/04/2024, 15:36:31] Phil Byle: Spotted Redshank, Greenshank and Spoonbill from Eric Morecambe
[30/04/2024, 16:14:31] Rob Pocklington: 2 red kites above Strickland Arms
[30/04/2024, 16:50:49] Various: Earlier on red nab (Brent Geese) per Malcolm – first for a few days
[30/04/2024, 18:10:05] Various: Glossy ibis seen on horse paddock at 0900 but not since apart from ?report along the Snatchems road this pm
[30/04/2024, 18:59:35] Simon Williams: Spotted redshank and spoonbill still at Eric Morecambe at 6.30
[30/04/2024, 20:41:03] Various: Pair of garganey briefly at brigsteer wetland 1915hrs (then flew off)
[01/05/2024, 07:10:01] Various: Dark morph Arctic skua heading into bay Heyshsm
[01/05/2024, 07:27:55] Various: Another Arctic skua flying in
[01/05/2024, 07:30:49] Various: Flock of 12 Arctic tern in
[01/05/2024, 08:10:41] Various: Glossy ibis in wet field next to horse paddock now
[01/05/2024, 08:55:33] Various: Sea from back of harbour Heysham 0659-0850: slow but some stuff: 2 dm arctic skua, flock 12 arctic tern, 1 sp red throat, 4 common scoter, 150 plus 9 pink feet, 15 whimbrel, c20 sandwich tern (4 Canada geese)
[01/05/2024, 10:12:26] Ian Hartley: Conder Green: Cattle Egrets 3, Whinchat, Spotted Redshank
[01/05/2024, 10:32:14] Various: Singing wood warbler fluke hall wood
[01/05/2024, 11:44:18] Various: Yesterday: first hobby report in our area this year at Leighton moss
[01/05/2024, 12:22:14] Various: As yesterday no sign of glossy ibis at Middleton horse paddock from at least 1000 (still present at least 0825)
[01/05/2024, 17:05:27] Various: Actually three arctic skua 0727 sighting was of two birds as confirmed by nearby observer. Don’t text skuas out until checked for close following birds – often happens!
[02/05/2024, 07:15:31] Various: Heysham: Dm arctic skua in then on, (my first gannet of year, 155 common scoter, 5 arctic tern, 4 kitts)
[02/05/2024, 07:30:32] Various: 6 more gannet – like London buses after none for 15 seawatches!
[02/05/2024, 07:34:50] Various: 3 ad little gull in
[02/05/2024, 08:24:58] Various: Dm arctic skua in
[02/05/2024, 08:43:56] Various: Female scaup in – worth checking low tide channels
[02/05/2024, 08:58:02] Various: Sea heysham from back of harbour 0650-0850 in unless stated : 3 ad summer little gull, 38 kittiwake, 7 gannet, 15 sandwich tern, 180 common scoter, female scaup, 59 arctic tern (7 small flocks), 2 common tern, 3 Teal, one red throated diver (out), two pink feet (on), 2 dm Arctic skua, 295 swallow/swallowish bombing through bottom of scope, (flock 30 grey plover, 120 Dunlin, 8 bar tailed godwit seemingly migrating). Yesterday: ad summer little gull photo em Pool 1630 ‎<This message was edited>
[02/05/2024, 11:08:20] Various: No sign of glossy ibis at Middleton since at least 0730 and not seen after 0826 yesterday
[02/05/2024, 12:05:43] Phil Byle: Garganey pair at Park End (Brigsteer) plus 5 teal this AM
[02/05/2024, 17:32:17] Clay Garland: Spotted Redshank still on Conder Creek, along with 3 greenshank. 2 med gulls on Conder Pool.
This topic was modified 9 months, 1 week ago by
[03/05/2024, 07:29:58] Various: Flock of 391 Arctic and one black tern just headed in heyshsm 😄
[03/05/2024, 07:57:57] Matthew Powell: Sedge warbler arrived in Yealand this morning.
[03/05/2024, 09:31:48] Various: Sea from 0638 Heysham from back of harbour. A bit messy with bits of bad light and poor visibility plus a bit of backtracking challenging accurate tern totals: allowing for back trackers going in again 539 Arctic tern in including straggling flock of 391 and 60 which headed high inland over my head, 30-50 Sandwich tern, 1 Black tern, 2 dm Arctic Skua (one in high, the other low and very distant), razorbill (on), 1 red throated diver, c73 Common scoter. Only wader migration 7 whimbrel in and only 6 swallow seen. Distant flock of 6 geese prob pink feet. All arctic tern before 0840.
[03/05/2024, 09:45:40] Ian Hartley: Short-eared Owl north over Cockersands lighthouse, currently over Middleton sands.
[03/05/2024, 09:51:35] “Cog”: Pair of garganey at Brigsteer wetland/Park End moss now
[03/05/2024, 10:30:35] Various: Another 45 mins on sea from 0945 north wall: 34 Arctic tern in, 6 red throats on, 12 sandwich tern out
[03/05/2024, 18:08:35] Various: Hooded crow along Wray to botton mill road near the turning to leyland farm (two male black grouse of unknown origin nearby in recent times). Note Wray scarecrow festival/Fair and traffic issues, also some bad bends on this road with eg regular barges milk and Carr billingtons animal feed coming the other way ‎<This message was edited>
[03/05/2024, 19:26:31] Various: Presumed fencehopped male black grouse showing well in field just north of Leyland Farm alongside Wray to Summersgill/botton mill road but no sign hooded crow
[03/05/2024, 19:30:28] Rob Pocklington: Get it ticked
[03/05/2024, 20:01:54] Various: Six minute twitch – grasshopper warbler singing from juncus 1/2 mile further on (drumming snipe)
[04/05/2024, 08:45:29] Various: Sea sampling heysham 0750 -0840: vis fine 0800-0820, otherwise rubbish: 2 gannet, 1 red throat, 6 common scoter, 7 sandwich tern. As expected no arctic tern.
[04/05/2024, 09:04:26] Richard du Feu: Curlew sand on Conder pool
[04/05/2024, 09:53:25] Various: Two male black grouse in field just north of Leyland farm then flew west across road.
[04/05/2024, 11:25:12] Various: The two Black grouse not visible from road after they flew powerfully and purposefully west and had not returned 30 mins later
[04/05/2024, 11:27:32] Various: No sign of hooded crow in extensive search from roadside vps
[04/05/2024, 11:41:09] Various: Five pale bellied Brent, unexpectedly late for this side of bay, on Red Nab
[04/05/2024, 12:25:05] Various: Out of sight wood sandpiper just flown north from Conder pool; no sign of curlew sand
[04/05/2024, 15:12:18] Various: Curlew Sand now in the river at Conder
[04/05/2024, 17:09:59] Various: First 12 sanderling of the annual spring passage through heysham skeer this evening (plus 23 whimbrel) ‎<This message was edited>
[04/05/2024, 17:14:33] Phil Byle: Whooper swan at the slag tips (the injured one from Heversham?). 30+ bar tailed godwits in with the Black tails. 12 Knot and maybe 10 whimbrel (1500-1620).
[04/05/2024, 18:19:48] Various: Quick visit – one black grouse male showing just north of Leyland farm entrance on east side of road now
[05/05/2024, 07:28:28] Ian Hartley: Garden Warbler and Whinchat, Conder Green
[05/05/2024, 07:54:16] Andrew McCafferty: Four gannets resting on the sea off the stone jetty, now flying in. EDIT: make that 7 ‎<This message was edited>
[05/05/2024, 08:36:30] Various: Three more gannet, 7 kitt, guillemot, 3 common scoter, 15 sandwich tern in short pre webs seawatch from heyshsm (also two porpoise)
[05/05/2024, 09:20:01] Various: Tree pipit ringed midd NR, whinchat briefly ocean edge. Male black grouse by great stone this am (reliable source)!
[05/05/2024, 11:50:29] Phil Byle: Whinchat plus 2 Wheatear on Heversham Moss next to the flooded field
[05/05/2024, 11:50:30] Phil Byle: 2 more Whinchat at the South end of Heversham Miss. A flock of 200+ Pink footed Geese heading up the Lyth valley
[05/05/2024, 11:50:30] Phil Byle: Decent mixed flock of Ringed Plover and Dunlin off Sandside. Maybe 150 of each of each spread out. Also a couple of common gulls still
[05/05/2024, 19:20:42] Stuart Sharp: 3 male Whinchat on the fence lining the ditch by the flooded field, Heversham Moss.
[05/05/2024, 21:42:33] Various: 6 snow geese (one blue morph) of unknown origin flew over Leighton moss (not sure when) – others seen at Lytham. Farmoor res birds suggested.
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