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  • Pete Crooks
      Post count: 219
      in reply to: Pectoral Sandpiper #8990

      A decent haul of 10 species of wader on the salt-marsh pools this morning:

      The adult Pectoral Sandpiper was again on the Allen Pool and, at one point, showed very well from the Eric Morecambe Hide. (See Jarrod Sneyd’s photos on Leighton Moss Twitter.)

      75+ Avocet – with 25+ juveniles / small chicks still on the Eric Morecame Pool North, with several of the adults clearing this pool of all other waders.
      3 Greenshank – Allen Pool
      2 Common Sandpiper – 1 each on Allen Pool and Eric Morecambe Pool North

      The following were seen from the Crag Road viewpoint on the Eric Morecambe Pool South and / or Flood and were not visible from the hides:
      285 Dunlin
      120 Black-tailed Godwit
      140 Redshank
      305 Lapwing
      100 Knot – difficult to count as distant and roosting in tightly packed groups
      2 Golden Plover – EM Pool South, briefly then flew off towards Jenny Brown’s Point

      Pete C

      Pete Crooks
        Post count: 219
        in reply to: Conder pool #8970

        Nice photo. Note the blue darvic ring on the juvenile’s left leg – presumably attached by Ian Hartley.

        Pete C

        Pete Crooks
          Post count: 219

          The colour-ringed Whimbrel I saw at Shippon Hill, Langthwaite Road on 2/5/24 was ringed at Llansantffraid, Llanon, Ceredigion on 1/5/21.

          Pete Crooks
            Post count: 219

            24 Whimbrel in the regular field by Little Fell Road, Quernmore this afternoon.

            Pete C

            Pete Crooks
              Post count: 219
              in reply to: Herons etc #8722

              Shaun sent me a further text:

              He also had Osprey, 2 Med Gulls and a Spotted Redshank.

              “Wasn’t out long really. All in all that would’ve been an amazing weekend 20 (or even 10) years ago.”

              Pete Crooks
                Post count: 219

                Hi Brom,

                I think I was that other birder!

                Pete C

                Pete Crooks
                  Post count: 219

                  Hi Eddie,

                  What I’ve termed ‘the usual stop-over field’ is on the east side of Little Fell Road, south of its junction with Littledale Road (which is also known as Stock-a-Bank). In my experience Whimbrel tend to favour the large second field south of Littledale Road (SD 508 607). It is best viewed from looking down from Little Fell Road, but take care as this road can be busy with passing traffic. Whimbrel many be present at any time of day, but they will disperse to feed in the improved pasture fields across the whole of the Quernmore area. I’ve found late afternoon is a good time for them at this site, though you may need to view the field from a couple of different positions along Little Fell Road as there are several deceptive bumps and hollows that can hide roosting birds. The good news is that the Whimbrel passage tends to peak during the last week of April – so still plenty of time for seeing them.

                  Pete Crooks

                  Pete Crooks
                    Post count: 219

                    A check of the Heysham Bird Observatory blog reveals a photo of the same c-r Pale-bellied Brent Goose off Knowlys Road on 25/01/21.

                    Pete C

                    Pete Crooks
                      Post count: 219
                      in reply to: Freehold waxwings #8174

                      Up to 9 Waxwing and 1 female Blackcap visiting the white berry rowan opposite the front of 50 Rydal Road early afternoon. (The rowan tree is at the bottom of the garden of 90 Windermere Road.)

                      Pete C

                      Pete Crooks
                        Post count: 219

                        Richard du Feu has informed me that its the first Dutch ringed Cormorant seen in Lancashire.

                        Pete C

                        Pete Crooks
                          Post count: 219
                          in reply to: Green Sandpiper #8109

                          I think the area that Gar is referring to is roughly at Grid Reference SD 516 794.

                          Pye’s Bridge Lane is the minor road heading NE off the A6 at Hale (just south of Beetham). It goes over the railway (west coast mainline) at Pye’s Bridge and joins the B6384 NW of Holme.

                          Pete C

                          Pete Crooks
                            Post count: 219

                            Well spotted Andrew, though your comment prompted me to read her profile on Wikipedia, where I learnt that she is Dutch not Danish!

                            Pete C

                            Pete Crooks
                              Post count: 219

                              Leighton Moss hold monthly binocular & telescope demonstrations where you can compare different models and find something to suit your budget. Try phoning Leighton Moss to ask when the next event is. I’m not sure about night vision optics though.

                              Pete C

                              Pete Crooks
                                Post count: 219

                                I received the following from Tony Cross of the Mid Wales Ringing Group about the colour-ringed Whimbrel:

                                “Yes, definitely one of ours but I’m afraid we have ringed over 500 in the past 14 or so years and they nearly all have the same colour combination so without the 3 digit code I’m afraid there isn’t a lot else I can tell you other than that it was ringed in Wales, probably near Aberaeron.”

                                Pete C

                                Pete Crooks
                                  Post count: 219

                                  After Ian Hartley saw 75 Whimbrel in the usual field at 9.00 am, I had a check this lunchtime and saw 73 at 12.30 pm (though some may have been out of slight beyond the break of slope at the far side of the field). The group included a colour-ringed bird – a yellow ring with a 2 or 3 character code (too distant to read) on its right tibia and a green ring on its left tibia.

                                  Also: 2 Wheatear (male and female).

                                  Pete C

                                  Pete Crooks
                                    Post count: 219

                                    33 Whimbrel in the same field as above at 1.40 pm today, with 37 there at 3.40 pm.

                                    Pete C

                                    Pete Crooks
                                      Post count: 219
                                      in reply to: Foulshaw & Fell End #7230

                                      Four different Ospreys have visited the Foulshaw Moss nest in the past week – as revealed by the nest camera images on the ‘Foulshaw Ospreys’ Twitter page:

                                      White YW (right leg) – the regular male – arrived on 27/3
                                      Unringed female – joined White YW at the nest on 27/3 (and 28/3 ?)
                                      Blue CE (left leg) – hatched in Easter Ross, Scotland in 2009 – joined White YW at the nest on 28/3 and 29/3
                                      Blue 35 (right leg) – the regular female – arrived on 31/3

                                      White YW and Blue 35 are now back together for their tenth successive year.

                                      Pete C

                                      Pete Crooks
                                        Post count: 219

                                        The adult Lesser White-fronted Goose was originally with 170 Pink-footed Geese in the roadside field just by the southernmost pool at Barrow Scout – directly below the Crag Road viewpoint from 11.55 am, until the goose flock was flushed by a passing motorbike at c.12.45 pm. Comparisons of photos showing the pattern of blackish feathering on the belly of this bird and the one seen recently at Moss Lane, Thurnham confirm that they are the same bird.

                                        Also from the Crag Road viewpoint:
                                        12 Avocet – on The Flood
                                        c.740 Black-tailed Godwit – on Eric Morecambe Pool South
                                        1 Great Crested Grebe – on the Allen Pool (I cannot recall seeing one here before)

                                        Earlier a visit to Foulshaw Moss failed to produce any Osprey, though the noticeboard stated that one – a passage bird ? – was seen there on 23rd March. Great views of 2 Water Rails feeding beneath the bird feeders at the start of the boardwalk. Also: 2 Stonechat on the moss, with 1 male Lesser Redpoll, 1 female Siskin and 6 Tree Sparrow on the bird feeders by the car park.

                                        Pete C

                                        Pete Crooks
                                          Post count: 219

                                          The Moss Lane / Jeremy Lane area currently offers the best birding experience in north Lancashire. I spent about 40 minutes checking through the c.4000 Pink-footed Geese in fields south of Moss Lane late this afternoon and saw:
                                          1 adult Lesser White-fronted Goose – of ‘unknown origin’
                                          8 Russian White-fronted Geese – groups of 5 and 3 (up to 12 have been seen in recent days)
                                          8 Barnacle Geese – in a single group among the Pink-feet

                                          Also: 1 adult Mediterranean Gull among Black-headed and Common Gulls following a ‘muck spreading tractor’, with a different adult in the same area last Friday.

                                          Also seen in recent days by various different observers:
                                          3 Tundra Bean Geese
                                          1 Greenland White-fronted Goose
                                          Up to 8 adult Bewick’s Swan
                                          450+ Whooper Swan

                                          Pete C

                                          Pete Crooks
                                            Post count: 219
                                            in reply to: Conder & Thurnham #7021

                                            8 adult Bewick’s Swan south of Gardner’s Farm, Moss Lane – two groups of 4 adults among two separate flocks of Whooper Swan.

                                            1 Greenshank, 185 Black-tailed Godwit in the Cocker Channel off Bank Houses, Cockersand

                                            Pete C

                                            Pete Crooks
                                              Post count: 219
                                              in reply to: Leighton Moss #6997

                                              Barrow Scout Fields – 17 Pochard (14 males, 3 females)

                                              Level crossing fields – 1 1st winter Russian White-fronted Goose among mixed flock of Greylag and Pink-footed Geese

                                              Lilian’s Hide, Leighton Moss – female Ring-necked Duck
                                              54 Tufted Duck
                                              13 Goldeneye (2 males, 11 females)

                                              Skytower – 3 Marsh Harrier (male displaying to 2 females over reedbed between Lilian’s and Grisedale Hides)
                                              1 Great White Egret (near Grisedale Hide, but visible from Skytower)
                                              4 Fieldfare

                                              Pete C

                                              Pete Crooks
                                                Post count: 219

                                                ‘Into the sun’ views of the Tundra Bean Goose looking south from Willow Lane at 12 noon.

                                                Good views of 2 adult Russian White-fronted Geese with c.2000 Pink-footed Geese in the fields by the cycle-track south-west of Freeman’s Pools mid-afternoon.

                                                Pete C

                                                Pete Crooks
                                                  Post count: 219
                                                  in reply to: Aldcliffe geese #6826

                                                  Yes, presumably the same birds. Although they were among a large mixed flock of Pink-footed Geese and Greylag Geese while at Aldcliffe, on at least one occasion they flew off on their own – then later few back to rejoin the other geese.

                                                  Pete C

                                                  Pete Crooks
                                                    Post count: 219

                                                    The Grey Phalarope was still present in the harbour this morning and showing rather distantly from the south harbour wall.

                                                    11 Mediterranean Gull (9 adults, 1 2nd W, 1 1st W) between the outfalls and Red Nab

                                                    230 Grey Plover off Potts Corner on the rising tide, but nothing of note among the Dunlin flock.

                                                    Pete C

                                                    Pete Crooks
                                                      Post count: 219
                                                      in reply to: Scaup #6097

                                                      Hi Brian,

                                                      I think the two birds in your photo are both female Tufted Duck.

                                                      Pete Crooks

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