Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Various areas, last 3 days

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  • eddybayton
      Post count: 144

      Torrisholme Cricket Club, swallows still building. Nuthatch very vocal in the Crem, Mistle Thrush, 4 feeding on turf, GS woodpecker at Westgate CC active too, also breeding evidence of house sparrow, goldfinch, greenfinch and chiffchaff. In wet weather up to 50 starlings probing for chafer and leatherjacket grubs for their nests on the short turf. They disappear towards the college with beakfuls.

      Teal Bay last 3 days, regular arrival of between 25 and 40 whimbrel on the incoming tide followed later by about 70 oystercatcher. Few gulls, mostly LBB, an occasional float past of some male Eider. Highlight was a curlew sandpiper in amongst one group of arriving whimbrel this morning. It didn’t stay long and flew towards Bolton le Sands.

      Freehold. First day of proper pairing and breeding behaviour observed with the local swifts. 9 birds, mostly quite high chasing and challenging each other in groups of 3 to 5. A lot of close chasing and V wing displays but no mating observed. Plenty of screaming.

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