Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings LDBWS May Day Sea, Land and Skywatch Highlights

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  • Jean Roberts
      Post count: 54

      A combined effort from 20 of us led to 71 species being seen in the Heysham and Middleton area today.

      SEA highlights:
      Sandwich Tern 6 – mainly blogging
      Arctic Tern – 23 low over the water then rising high in the sky to go overland
      Guillemot – 1 whirring in quickly seen only by PJM
      Gannet -1 distantly, seen only by PJM
      Common Scoter – 10 seen distantly only by PJM
      Whimbrel – at least one
      Whooper Swan – 6 late ones heading north.
      Eider – not counted but plentiful around the skear
      Red-breasted Merganser – 3 pairs
      Great-crested Grebe – 2 pairs

      LAND highlights:
      Rock Pipit on the cliffs
      A surprise Grasshopper Warbler moved through, heard but not seen
      Whitethroats galore on Middleton NR
      Lesser Whitethroats not quite as galore on MNR
      Reed Warbler – 2 at MNR
      Sedge Warbler – several at MNR
      Cetti’s Warbler – heard by a few
      Willow Warblers,Chiffchaff and Blackcaps singing.
      Just Garden Warbler missing from the Middleton warbler-fest.
      A vivid red male Bullfinch was a joy to behold even if its song was a bit pathetic!

      SKY highlights aka “vis”:
      Pink-footed Goose – 35
      Tree Pipit – at least 2 heard by those with exceptional hearing
      Lesser Redpoll – at least 5
      Siskin – at least 2
      Swallow – 53 (if we count the 40 seen by PJM from the North Wall)
      House Martin – at least 2
      Sand Martin – at least 1
      Meadow Pipit – 2

      Others may have different highlights.

      Let’s see if tomorrow’s watchers manage to do better……You know the target to beat!

      Dan Haywood
        Post count: 534

        A good summing up Jean! I think we can do better tomorrow. Went to delete my posting but don’t know how!

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