Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings LDBWS Aldcliffe Open Morning: Highlights

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  • Dan Haywood
      Post count: 534

      A combined list of at least 78 species for the 25 participants.

      Great company.

      Highlights included migrant Tree Pipit (early flyover), the season’s first Common Swift, all three hirundines, two Yellow Wagtails (one female showing distantly but well on ‘the flood’ ((A14))– another flyover) a Whinchat and circa six Wheatears.

      Also seen six White Wagtails, three or four Lesser Whitethroats, a Whimbrel, a soaring Peregrine, a Curlew displaying over the marsh, two late Goldeneye (Freeman’s Pools (A2)) and much more.

      Next field meeting Heysham Head May 8th–please see meetings page.

      Dan Haywood
        Post count: 534

        Four species to add (thanks Andrew):

        Treecreeper, Rook, Jay and Dunlin– so 82 species and counting….

        Dan Haywood
          Post count: 534

          Another three to add to our day list; Little Grebe, Common Gull and Cormorant. Thans Shaun, John & Jill.

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