Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Heysham Head / Middleton NR

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  • Dan Haywood
      Post count: 540

      A good time time was had by all at the first LDBWS Heysham ‘opening morning’ (I think) and thanks to all twenty participants for making it such good fun. Except for Jack– who stole and ate both my sandwiches.

      The second is tomorrow– 7-11 https://lancasterbirdwatching.org.uk/meeting/ldbws-heysham-open-weekend-this-sat-sun-may-1st-and-2nd/

      My highlights today:

      Off-passage Grasshopper reeling Heysham Head where also two Tree Pipits over N, a steady northward passage of Swallows (c30 per hour) with c20 Sand Martins and at least one House Martin.

      A few redpolls (mostly audible mig only) and Siskins N.

      33 Pink-footed Goose NNW offshore– seabird passage negligible but loitering Sandwich Terns, Red-breasted Merganser, Eiders etc. seen.

      Circa six pairs of Linnet Heysham Head, also four male Greenfinches displaying.

      Common Whitethroats in good numbers; five males on Heysham Head and at least 17 singing / displaying Middleton NR where up to five Gadwalls were giving aerial displays. Circa seven each singing Lesser Whitethroats and Sedge Warblers. Five singing Willow Warblers and two to three singing Reed Warblers but just one Cetti’s heard.

      See you in the morning? BRING LAYERS.

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