Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Yesterday’s Foulshaw Moss trip and news of LDBWS Woodcock Session (tomorrow).

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  • Dan Haywood
      Post count: 540

      John and Jill are opting for tomorrow (Tuesday) evening due to low winds. This means there are two spots up for grabs.

      If you’d like to join them (Eaves Wood, Silverdale) e-mail me via [email protected] and I’ll pass it on.

      LDBWS Foulshaw Moss field meet 6 June:

      We made lists and tallies as we walked and scanned yesterday– and the approximate number of select species pairs / territories seen / heard from the main western loop were as follows:

      Osprey 1 (!)
      Willow Warbler 40
      Sedge Warbler 7
      Goldfinch 5
      Wren 5
      Tree Sparrow 5
      Lesser Redpoll 5
      Reed Bunting 4
      Tree Pipit 4
      Coal Tit 4
      Blue Tit 4
      Treecreeper 3
      Chaffinch 3
      Great Tit 3
      Chiffchaff 3
      Long-tailed Tit 2 (family parties)
      Stonechat 2
      Blackcap 2
      Great Spotted Woodpecker 2
      Blackbird 2
      Song Thrush 2
      Moorhen 2
      Water Rail 1
      Reed Warbler 1
      Greenfinch 1
      Gadwall 1
      Carrion Crow 1
      Whitethroat 1 (just off site at SD452836)
      Dunnock 1
      Jay 1
      Skylark 1

      Among other species We also saw 1-2 Kestrels, Wood Pigeons, Mallards, Greylag Geese, 1-2 Marsh Harriers, up to 5 Buzzards including one displaying, a Sparrowhawk, Raven, Stock Dove and four Grey Herons. Up to ten Siskins were mobile around the reserve.

      No Cuckoos but one was heard by Alasdair McKee on 28 May.

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