Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Woodcock Field Trip

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  • John Webb
      Post count: 131

      4 members joined us for the first of the 2 planned field trips on 16th May. In still, dry conditions we had 10 contacts during the 75 minute BTO survey period. 4 of these contacts were classified as “heard only”, and 6 as “seen and heard”, with 3 of these almost directly over the observation point.
      If anyone is thinking of joining us for the field trip planned for the 7 days commencing 8th June we can clarify that return to car park will be within half an hour of sunset (not one and a half as on the notice). We will maintain the maximum group size at 6, including us, as this has been proved to work for an activity where listening is the primary means of obtaining contacts. (The group size has not been determined by Covid Rules.)

      Jill and John Webb

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