Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Williamson Park & Fenham Carr

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  • Clay G
      Post count: 35

      Lunchtime today:
      – Quieter than it has been over the last few weeks; fewer tits, thrushes and other small passerines.
      – Only 2 nuthatch
      – 1 siskin heard
      – 1 GS Woodpecker on Fenham Carr
      – Pair of goldcrest on the Carr and 1 in bushes near the Memorial.
      – 4 singing chiffchaff
      – 2 treecreeper; one singing in the lower part of the park by the grammar school grounds and one above the duck pond.
      – Female sparrowhawk preening on a branch overlooking Fenham Carr reservoir
      – 7 rooks (still 16 nests)
      – 1 brimstone butterfly

      This evening (7:30) – male tawny owl heard in the Park

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