Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Whatsapp roundup 14/4/2024


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  • andrewmccafferty
      Post count: 96

      08:21:18 Various: The early spring for some summer migrants continues with two male Whinchat Warton mires yesterday (plus redstart). Two yellow wagtail on edge of recording area by fluke hall car park this morning.

      09:19:19 Pete Crooks: 30 min seawatch from Heysham lighthouse: 4 Gannet, 1 Red-throated Diver, 2 Common Tern

      10:06:58 Pete Crooks: Glossy Ibis still in horse paddock behind Middleton Village Hall

      10:18:49 Pete Crooks: Male Redstart – horse field Knowlys Road, Heysham

      10:21:37 Various: The 11 pale bellied Brent still around at their low tide location off the play area north of Heysham head

      12:08:27 Pete Crooks: Female Common Scoter NE corner Pine Lake, avoiding the water skier!

      12:12:48 Various: Ad Shag near conger rock north of heysham Head at low tide – regular feeding area

      12:18:04 Various: Male Brambling still at Foulshaw feeders this am (recent reports of Mealy redpoll but all published pics seem to be lesser or probably lesser)

      15:54:50 Andrew Daykin: Pied Flycatcher pair very active at Abbeystead, also Blackcap pair.

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