Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Various, Torrisholme CC

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  • eddybayton
      Post count: 144

      The third recorded kill by a resident common buzzard this afternoon. This time an oystercatcher. Photo of crows and magpies in attendance. Previous victims have been a squirrel and a godwit species.

      Other notable this winter is at least one nuthatch in the parkland trees. I have only recorded the occasional vagrant before here. The sightings tally nicely with Jeff Butcher’s records near Happy Mount Park and the golf course.

        Post count: 124

        Ref Nuthatch. They were present through the breeding season in Happy Mount Park but we haven’t seen or heard one since about 17th October.
        (Still have a reasonable tit flock, a bit fragmented, with long-tailed, great, blue and coal tits, goldcrest and treecreeper, sporadically present. Clearly Happy Mount Park is a centre for this flock but it roams widely. Grey wagtail still present, also.)

        Jeff B

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