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  • Clay G
      Post count: 35

      5th Apr – Williamson Park/Fenham Carr
      All singing:
      – 4 Nuthatch
      – 4 chiffchaff
      – 1 each song and mistle thrush on Fenham Carr
      – First singing blackcap of the year on Fenham Carr
      – Wrens, robins, blackbirds, coal/great/blue tits, chaffinches & dunnocks
      – Two mallard pairs on Fenham Carr reservoir (in addition to 30 mallards on the main duck pond)
      – 19 nests in the rookery on Fenham Carr

      6th April – Langthwaite
      Langthwaite Reservoir:
      – Roosting on the solar panels: c50 oystercatcher, c15 lapwing and 1 cormorant
      – Gulls: c30 LB, c10 herring and 1 GB
      Blea Tarn Reservoir:
      – 8 mallards (all male)
      – 4 pairs of wigeon
      – 5 tufties
      – 1 shelduck
      – 1 GC Grebe
      – 17 oystercatchers
      – 1 curlew
      – Several alba wagtails

      Today – Lancaster canal, Skerton to Hest Bank
      – WeBS: 6 mallards and 1 moorhen
      – Also: 10 mallard ducklings, 1 singing willow warbler, c10 singing chiffchaff,

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