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  • Dan Haywood
      Post count: 534

      ESE 4, 7 Oktas of cirrus, dry.

      Overhead movements 0900-1200– all flying ESE (into the stiff breeze) unless otherwise noted;

      Pink-footed Goose 326
      Starling 110
      Skylark 47
      alba wagtail 28
      Chaffinch 25 + 2 NNE
      Siskin 7 + 2 NNE
      Rock Pipit 7
      Meadow Pipit 5
      Swallow 3
      Grey Wagtail 2
      Goldfinch 1
      Twite 1 (only the second time I’ve had this species on vis mig)
      Brambling 1 male

      A female-type Marsh Harrier might have been lumped into the same vis mig category had it not been seen returning over the Lune twenty minutes later– most likely the individual seen hunting Cockersands area of late.

      Similarly a female-type Merlin went over to Crook Farm at speed but presumably the same bird was later seen hunting migrating larks over Sunderland Point West Shore / Middleton Sands.

      A noisy party of four Coal Tits hurried S. to the brink of Sunderland Point before hedge-hopping back N. and later seen at Potts Corner.

      Please note a field volunteer request for tomorrow 18th October here:

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