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  • Dan Haywood
      Post count: 534

      Although being a Water Pipit is a twitchable offence these days I didn’t put news of this out earlier apart from texting a couple of friends.

      This working site is difficult to view. It requires climbing up a slippery 2.5-metre ‘viewing mound’ (SD460587) on the usually waterlogged track– to peer between thorns and through fencing.

      That said, it often pulls in the birds and the birding was good today. You sometimes need to give it a fair bit of time (90 mins today) cos birds are often out of sight in deep tanks.

      Black-headed Gull 30
      Pied Wagtail 18
      Redshank 15
      Grey Wagtail 7 incl. a ringed individual (L lime green over metal, R red over bottle green)
      Meadow Pipit 3
      Shelduck 2
      Green Sandpiper 2
      Water Pipit 1
      Rock Pipit 1
      Buzzard 1
      Oystercatcher 1
      Sparrowhawk 1


      Rock/Water Pipit calls were also heard from nearby ‘Stodday Marsh’ SD457585 SW of the picnic bench, where an adult Peregrine flew upriver.

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