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  • johnwilson
      Post count: 612

      Seem more numerous than usual. Nine at Fell End this morning a record count, and two in Leighton by feeders and singles calling by Lower Hide and on Warton Crag over last few days.
      John Wilson

      Phil Slade
        Post count: 7

        I am seeing good numbers in Pilling/Cockerham areas too John. This seems to be a feature of late January and into February. 20 +now regular at our feeding sites.

        John Webb
          Post count: 142

          My thought too John. Very vocal around Leighton Moss garden recently, at JBP when doing the count last Friday, then on Tuesday we did a Cringlebarrow/Deepdale Wood walk, and heard them calling at Yealand Storrs, and Yealand Manor before seeing one just below Leighton Hall. Also seen at Coldwell Meadows and Dollywood Lane in last 2 weeks.

          Steve Bullen
            Post count: 36

            Regulars at the Fairfield feeding site too. Saw a pair mating in Pony Wood yesterday.

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