Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Small Emerald

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  • jeffbutcher
      Post count: 124

      I had what I think was a small emerald moth on the Tarnbrook Road today. It flew in shade about 11 am and landed on alder by the brook.

      There were large numbers of butterflies, mostly on thistles along the footpath by the Tarnbrook Wyre from Stoops Bridge – small tortoiseshells and meadow browns. One red admiral at Stoops Bridge.

      2 House Martins nesting at Lower Lee and 2 swallows on the wires. Haven’t seen any in Morecambe for ages.

      Jeff B

      Steve Graham
        Post count: 107

        Hi Jeff Its a Light Emerald Moth a much commoner beast than Small Emerald. If you are around Stoops Bridge this time of year well worth checking the Thistles for nectaring WLH.


          Post count: 124

          Thanks for correction Steve. That’s what’s so useful about this site. I couldn’t sort it out between the two in my book, especially as it says both fade to white.


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