Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Sizergh & Levens

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  • Clay G
      Post count: 35

      Sizergh Castle grounds – highlights:
      – Hawfinches still in carpark – at least 5 seen
      – Singing mistle thrush, nuthatch, chaffinch, song thrush, goldcrest
      – Great tits investigating a nestbox in Brigsteer Wood
      – Two chiffchaffs singing in Brigsteer Wood; one each in Holeslack Wood and Duke Plantation
      – Male stonechat near Park Moss hide
      – Green woodpecker in Holeslack Wood flew towards Sizergh Fell. Another (or the same) bird heard later in Duke Plantation.

      Park Moss wetland – from hide – line of sight not great but at a minimum:
      – 15 Teal
      – 14 Gadwall
      – 9 Wigeon
      – 4 Canada geese
      – 5 Greylag
      – 3 Mallard
      – 1 Little egret
      – 1 Heron
      – 2 Little grebe
      – 5 Snipe
      – 2 Mute swan
      – 2 each coot & moorhen
      – Cetti’s warbler(s) heard singing
      – 1 Buzzard overhead

      Levens Deer Park:
      – 1 or 2 Dipper on the Kent
      – 1 Grey Wagtail + at least one Pied
      – 2 Stock doves
      – Lots of mistle thrush activity including at least one singing
      – 1 Raven
      – 1 more singing chiffchaff
      – 2 Oystercatcher on the riverbank late afternoon

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