Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Search Function … new web design

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  • eddybayton
      Post count: 144

      Hi all. Just went online to register for the new site and do a search for something I was looking for from the summer. It seems I can’t access any data for records or sightings before the re-design. Can anyone help please?

        Post count: 124

        Hi Eddy. I think the answer is in the very first post by Andrew. Jeff B

          Post count: 9

          Hi Eddy,
          What info are you looking for?

            Post count: 144

            Thanks both. I hadn’t scrolled low enough below the screen…sorry.

            I was looking for swift records , nothing important right now. For me it would be something of a tragedy if the historic database was lost. I use the search function all the time. The printed annual reports are excellent and detailed but there were extensive ‘quick reference’ records online going back more than ten years with no hard copy.

              Post count: 144

              I guess this belongs in discussion really. Sorry again. My thanks to all those involved in both the old and new sites. Tremendous work and much appreciated.

              Dan Haywood
                Post count: 11

                Don’t worry Eddy, all the data is safe and sound and of course it all gets looked at / published in the annual reports.

                  Post count: 96

                  Eddy, I’ve dumped out the raw data back to 2004 (I think it’s all there) from the sightings forum in this spreadsheet.
                  If I get time, I’ll make something to present in a bit more of a palatable form, but at this at least means anybody who wants to can get at the raw data. The people who built the site were going to charge an arm and a leg to do anything with it, so now the only option is for me to try to do something with it in my spare time (which there isn’t much of).

                  It’s basically just a massive CSV dump, but it’s here anyway:


                    Post count: 144

                    Andrew, thank you.

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