Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Ring Ouzel, Feral Pigeons etc.

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  • Dan Haywood
      Post count: 534

      AM session: ESE 2-3, 8 Oktas, Intermittent Rain

      Heysham Head (off-passage night migrants in italics,!);

      Goldcrest 13
      Blackbird 9
      Song Thrush 9
      Chiffchaff 1
      Brambling 1
      Redwing 1
      Ring Ouzel 1

      Wren 25
      Greenfinch 14
      Dunnock 11
      Long-tailed Tit 11
      Goldfinch 6
      Rock Pipit 5
      Coal Tit 3

      Rising Tide waders in ‘Pre-Roost’;

      Knot 260
      Redshank 150
      Turnstone 24
      Curlew 18

      High Tide off Sandylands;

      Red-breasted Merganser 4 (1 ad male)
      Great Crested Grebe 2

      Battery saltmarsh (SD421637);

      Feral Pigeon 35
      Rock Pipit 2 (also Rock Pipit 1 Morecambe Stone Jetty)

      Regent Road ;

      Feral Pigeon 60

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