Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Red Nab – Heysham Harbour

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  • Pete Crooks
      Post count: 219

      4 juvenile Black Tern – 3 favouring Heysham Stage 2 Outfall, the other commuting between HS2 and HS1 Outfalls and sometimes seeming to disappear – presumably wandering further offshore

      12 Mediterranean Gull (8 adults, 3 2nd winter, 1 1st winter) spread across the beach between Red Nab and Heysham Harbour. One of the adults was a previously seen colour-ringed bird – White 3LX9.

      25 Cormorant – roosting on the Wooden Pier

      70 Pink-footed Geese – groups of 61 and 9 flew south offshore

      3 Swallow – south over Heysham Harbour was the only evidence of passerine ‘vis mig’

      Pete C

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