Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Potts Corner / Sunderland Point

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  • Dan Haywood
      Post count: 534

      SSE 3, 6-8 Oktas, drizzly spells

      Migrants seen on the deck / in the bushes at Potts Corner this morning included;

      Blackbird 15 first-winter birds
      Redwing 14
      Song Thrush 6
      Goldcrest 5
      Stonechat 2
      Chiffchaff 1
      Blackcap 1

      Plus 10 Chaffinch and 9 Meadow Pipits over SSE. A female Merlin was seen hunting on three occasions. Sparrowhawk seen once. Middleton Sands wader roost included c4500 Knot, c2000 Oystercatcher & c80 Grey Plover.

      c50 Goldfinches. c12 Tree Sparrows. 4 Twite seen here 17 Oct.


      Migrants seen on the deck / in the bushes at Sunderland Point this morning included;

      Blackbird 9 first-winter birds
      Redwing 7
      Mistle Thrush 2
      Goldcrest 2
      Chiffchaff 2
      Unidentified Sylvia probable Barred Warbler! 1
      Wheatear 1

      8 Skylarks, 7 Stock Doves, 5 Chaffinches and 3 Swallows over, SE.

      9 Reed Buntings, 7 Greenfinches, 4 Rock Pipits (West Shore) 3 Tree Sparrows, 1 Kestrel.

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