Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings North Fylde Finds plus Ashton and Aldcliffe.

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  • Dan Haywood
      Post count: 540

      Some of the highlights from a cycle from Knott End to Lancaster this afternoon:

      Whimbrel seven at Cockers Dyke, two N of Fluke Hall Lane and 18 on the Ashton stretch of the Lune. (cSD454574).

      White Wagtail and four Wheatears Fluke Hall-ish at SD387500. Seven pairs of Lapwing in arable fields just to S of Lane c SD388498.

      Fluke Hall Wood held five singing Blackcaps, a singing Stock Dove and three male Song Thrushes

      Six Lapwings incubating in the molehill-strewn field at SD401492. Four incubating in the polythene-strewn field by Bamber’s Cottage / Farm (Moss Lane) at SD455544.

      Three singing Reed Warblers and two singing Little Grebes at Pilling Lane Ends (west section) SD413494

      Egyptian Goose, Whooper Swan and Lapwing female with two circa ten-day old youngsters at Braides at SD441512

      Three pairs of Linnets and a singing Whitethroat in the ‘gorse and rushes field’ SD446515 near Cockerham.

      Male Kestrel Cockerham village.

      Cetti’s Warbler pair again by the Glasson canal near ‘Hebbs Alpacas’, who have been tidying up some of the canalside reeds and irises.

      An impressive 45 Shelduck interacting in the cereal field between Ashton & Conder Green at SD458565 (ASC 13 W). Also a pair of Oystercatchers nesting here, though no Lapwings (cf 2020)– a result of the field having being drained in the winter?

      Sedge Warblers four singing in the ditches along Jeremy Lane. Four singing also at Aldcliffe (A4N, A3– Darter Pool, hedge by EA bund (A5 W) and Freeman’s Pools E (A2 E) where c60 pairs of Black-headed Gull, a pair of Little Grebes and a singing Reed Warbler.

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