Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings No WeBS, but some Bull Beck highlights…

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  • Stephen Young
      Post count: 1

      This covers the area from 250 yards downstream from Bull Beck, & upstream past the shingle bank to approx 200 yards beyond it + across the river opposite Mears Beck covering the nearest 250yds or so of the fields. Did 16 visits, but with two the encroaching dusk beat me to it & I couldn’t count properly!

      Goldeneye: Jan 3rd = 6; 12th = 6; 18th = 8; 21st = 7; 27th = 1; Feb 8th = 3; 12th = 2; 26 = 3; none so far in March

      Goosander: Jan 9th = 2; 12th = 10; 27th = 5; Feb 7th = 2; 8th = 5; 12th = 4; 19th = 3; 26th = 2; March 3rd = 1; 7th = 2 (+ 2 downstream at the Aq Bridge)

      OC: Jan 12th = 7; Feb 2nd = 2; 12th = 2; 26th = 3; March 3rd = 5; 7th = 7

      Redshank: Jan 12th = 3; 21st = 1; Feb 7th = 1; 26th = 11; March 7th = 1

      L. Jan: 12th = c60; 21st = c300; 27th = c300; Feb 12th = 7; March 3rd P; March 8th = c35

      Curlew: Jan 21st = c40; 27th = c200; March 3 = P; 8th = c180

      Greylag: Jan 12th = c80; Feb 12th = c110; 19th = 7; March 3rd = c130; 7th = c150; 8th = c40

      CG: Feb 19th = c260; March 3rd = c110; 7th = 9; 8th = 11

      Starling: frequent small flocks; c200 on Jan 21st the biggest

      Mallard: 10-20 always present, sometimes with a few wigeon

      L.Grebe: 1 on Jan 9th & on Jan 21st

      Heron: Always around – 1 on 2 days & 2 on 2 other days; L Egret similar: 2 on 2 days & a single on 2 other days

      Cormorant only twice: 5 on Jan 21st & 1 on March 7 – they prefer to be upstream nearer the fishermen…

      Kingfisher single on Jan 12th next to a single Greenshank on the same day

      Single Dippers on Bull Beck Jan 18th & Feb 26th (Also a single higher up in Brookhouse by the Black Bull on Jan 28th + one at the same site collecting nesting material on Feb 21st.)

      Not forgetting the always present ‘feral mob’ of crossbred geese & all the gulls…

      Ian Hartley
        Post count: 157

        To add to this for same area:

        Colour ringed curlew seen on 8th March. Ringed as adult, 18/12/2017 at Llanrhystud, Ceredigion, Wales. Since then it has been recorded on three further occasions, all at Breydon water, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk: 22/08/2019, 24/11/2019 and 15/09/2020.

        Neck collared Greylag Goose seen on 8th March. Ringed as adult, 25/6/2016 at Ambleside, Cumbria.

        There is also a Canada Goose with a colour ring from Windermere but I haven’t had it close enough yet.

        Finally, the remains of a predated kingfisher on 8th March, scattered on path near fishermen’s shelter.

        Ian Hartley

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