Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Middleton Sands / Foulshaw

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  • garry sharples
      Post count: 30

      Delayed WEBS count for Middleton Sands and a few birds from yesterday…and day before!

      1070 Oystercatchers
      692 Grey Plover
      1 Ringed Plover
      4320 Dunlin
      1040 Curlew
      1700 Knot
      187 Bar Tailed Godwit
      141 Lapwing
      58 Redshank
      4 Snipe
      18 Pale Bellied Brent Geese
      3 Mute Swans
      8 Cormorant
      27 Wigeon
      24 Mallard
      11 Teal
      38 Shelduck
      4 Little Egret
      1 Grey Heron
      7 LBB gulls
      15 Black Headed Gulls

      Mixed flock of Twite (30) & Linnet (90)
      1 Rock Pipit
      1 Reed Bunt
      1 Skylark
      2 Meadow Pipit
      2 Raven
      11 Fieldfare
      15 Redwing
      Dunnock (1), Blue Tit (3) Blackbird (8) Magpie (3), Woodpigeon (11)

      Lades Marsh side – brief count 2hrs after high tide

      850 Black Tailed Godwits
      175 Bar Tailed Godwits
      390 Golden Plover
      325 Wigeon
      167 Curlew
      1500 Lapwing
      180 Redshank
      2 Mute Swans

      Teal Bay
      15 Pintail
      30 Wigeon


      Foulshaw –

      Male Hen Harrier
      5 Stonechat
      3 Reed Bunting
      7 Tree Sparrow
      3 Buzzard
      2 Goldcrest
      1 G S Woodpecker

      Silverdale Area

      3 Marsh Tit (Leighton area)
      1 Ring Necked Parakeet (Jacks Scout)
      700 Lapwing (Jacks Scout)

      Kingfisher – Gilpin Bridge

      Where are the Green Woodpeckers ???

        Post count: 153

        Green Woodpecker calling everyday this year on Arnside Knott Garry.

        Kevin D
          Post count: 55

          Farleton Fell is also well frequented by Green Woodpeckers. One heard yaffling there on my last visit – 27/12/21

          garry sharples
            Post count: 30

            Thanks Kevin /John
            Good to know – I’ve not seen them on Scout Scar /Whitbarrow like I used to but they may just be avoiding me !

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