Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Middleton NR

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  • Dan Haywood
      Post count: 534


      Singing males:

      Whitethroat 15

      Blackcap 7

      Reed Warbler 6

      Willow Warbler 6

      Chiffchaff 4

      Sedge Warbler 4

      Lesser Whitethroat 3

      Cetti’s Warbler 2

      Chaffinch 3

      Greenfinch 3

      Reed Bunting 3

      Family parties:

      Bullfinch 3

      Long-tailed Tit 3

      Meadow Pipit carrying food – usual area ie SD412588

      Linnets 5-6 pairs (2 nests found – 1 pictured)

      Water Rails: sharming heard in 2 spots (heard from 414/560 and 415/590)

      Model Boat Pond: up to 8 Swallows and 2 Swifts feeding overhead

      Broad-bodied Chaser: 3 males, 1 female ovipositing and 1 teneral

      Few other dragonflies (just a few four-spots and a teneral skimmer sp.) in the stiff breeze.

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