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  • joncarter
      Post count: 178

      All quiet around Aldcliffe this morning, and not too much doing along the river to Glasson.
      A Cetti’s Warbler was at Conder Pool.
      Adult female Marsh Harrier was hunting over the recently cut fields along Jeremy Lane (still present 2.5hrs later feeding on remains of what looked like a hare. Had it caught such a large food item or was it eating carrion?)
      An impressive collection of yellow wagtails at Bank End – I counted 13 in total, along with plenty of pieds & linnets in the marsh.
      A pair of sparrowhawks were hunting from the ground – a male was stood perfectly still on the saltmarsh and several of the wagtails essentially circled it. The predator took a couple of short sudden flights, scattering the wags but caught nothing in the time I was watching.
      I didn’t find any Golden Plovers at all at Cockersands, or at Glasson Marsh at high tide. No sign of anything of note among the Dunlin & Ringed Plovers at Plover Scar while I was there.

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