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  • Dan Haywood
      Post count: 534

      A pronounced southward movement of geese and a good southeastward passage of passerines (and also some pigeons) this morning. Thanks to John Wood for helping me spot / keep track late morning. Much of the below was seen from Conder Green footbridge.


      Pink-footed Goose 2720 S or SSE in 46 parties

      Meadow Pipit 590 SE
      Skylark 430 SE
      alba wagtail 95 SE
      Swallow 84 SE
      Linnet 55 SE
      Chaffinch 38 SE
      Jackdaw 19 SE
      Woodpigeon 13 SE
      Tree Sparrow 11 SE
      House Martin 8 SE
      Rook 4 SE
      Reed Bunting 2 SE
      Grey Wagtail 2 SE
      Rock Pipit 1 SE
      Stock Dove 1 SE

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