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  • Dan Haywood
      Post count: 534

      Little Stint (seemed to be different individual from t’other day– on plumage features) and a Sanderling with 3250 Dunlins and 125 Ringed Plovers at Plover Scar. Also two Arctic Terns here and three Sandwich Terns offshore.

      Osprey circling NE over woods and field at Ashton.

      Cream-crown Marsh Harrier S over Cocker Abbey.

      24 Bar-tailed Godwits (non-breeding plumage) Conder Creek.

      Four drake Wigeon with a drake Gadwall at mouth of Conder: SD453563. Also four Common Terns.

      Grasshopper Warbler singing in hedge (ASC 5) near Stodday sewage works (Steve Bullen).

      Locally-fledged Raven juveniles seen and heard.

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