Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Low Tide Lune Estuary 5th February

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  • Dan Haywood
      Post count: 534

      Colloway Marsh South;

      Pink-footed Goose 300
      European White-fronted Goose 2 adults
      Merlin 1 fem

      Ashton stretch at SD454576;

      Wigeon 712
      Drake hybrid Wigeon (Eurasian x American) 1

      Black-tailed Godwit 3300 by Conder Mouth SD453564 (thanks A. Makin for record– second highest count here?)

      Lapwing; at least 5100 on the estuary between Glasson and Marsh Point early afternoon, with biggest flocks at SD447566 (2862) and at SD456597 (1610).

      Golden Plover; 617 with Lapwings at SD447566 and 925 with Lapwings at SD456597

      Stodday Sewage Works (ASC3);

      Green Sandpiper 2
      Grey Wagtail 2
      Chiffchaff 1

      Siskin 9 in alders by Ashton Lake (ASC17) where Grey Herons were nest-building

      LDBWS Feeding Station at Fairfield NR;

      Chaffinch 34
      Reed Bunting 7
      Brambling 1

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