Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Leighton Moss hides & sightings

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  • joncarter
      Post count: 184

      In accordance with government guidelines, all hides (with the exception of Lower Hide) will reopen on Monday 17 May.

      The hides will be clean and opened in the morning with he main reserve hides accessible from 9.30am at the earliest. The Eric Morecambe and Allen hides (and car park) will open slightly later, hopefully by noon.
      From this date the hides will remain open at all times.

      There will still be restrictions in place including the mandatory wearing of face coverings, social distancing while in the hides, and a maximum number of occupants at any one time (displayed at each hide). Please observe all signage on site and please be mindful of other visitors.


      Today’s highlights included spoonbill (from Crag Viewpoint. / train), osprey, multiple bittern sightings, bearded tits, etc.

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