Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Leighton Moss

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  • johnwilson
      Post count: 607

      Little Stint 2
      Knot 2
      Black-tailed Godwit 1550
      Bearded Tit only a female on grit trays in this foul weather
      Marsh Harrier 1
      John Wilson

        Post count: 91

        Leighton Moss October 4th

        Red-breasted Merganser– 4 on Eric Morecambe pools
        Spotted Redshank– 1 on Allen Pool
        Great Egret– 1 on Allen Pool
        Wheatear– 1 just to the north of the Eric Morecambe pools car park
        Greenshank 3 from Causeway hide and another by Eric Morecambe pools
        Pink-footed Goose– 120
        Sand Martin– 1 with House Martins and Swallows around the causeway

        Tom Walkington
          Post count: 54

          Lilians 4pm
          2 juv Little Stint
          2 Spotted Redshank
          1 male and one female Marsh Harrier
          1 ad. Whooper Swan

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