Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Leighton Moss

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  • joncarter
      Post count: 184

      Hobby hunting over Causeway this morning
      An emergence of flying ants late afternoon caused the expected feeding frenzy of swift’s & 100s of BH gulls – just 1 moulting ad Med gull picked out amongst them.

      Steve Graham
        Post count: 113

        Similar flying Ants above the metal bridge at Halton around 4pm on 16/7. Estimate of 500 Gulls involved with Black Headed at the lower levels and smaller numbers of LBB and Herring at the higher levels sharing the airspace with Swifts and House Martins. Quite a spectacle even for none Laridophiles like myself!


          Post count: 144

          The same at Cross Hill Park on Friday afternoon, 100s of gulls, mostly black headed, anting. Saturday morning all the ants were grounded on the field and there were perhaps 100 gulls, 4 carrion crows, blackbirds, mistle thrushes and a gronded gs woodpecker all making their fill.

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