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  • Dan Haywood
      Post count: 534

      The finches and buntings seem to be relishing the heavy rain (or at least the absence of hovering Kestrels and much less footfall due to the downpours).

      Today 43 Chaffinches and 11 Reed Buntings were seen getting stuck into the ground seed.

      Dunnocks, Great Tits, Blackbirds and the odd Chaffinch were using the table. Any local Tree Sparrows are resolutely staying away!

      In recent days I’ve increased the amount of food on the ground (to the left of the table as viewed from the double gate) and increased that area up the stubbly slope somewhat to try and provide more opportunities for Linnet and Skylark.

      Alan has built a second table which we’ll be ‘installing’ soon.

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